Chapter 5

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Gwen ran after him, leaping as fast as she can. "Ronno! Don't do it!!" She called, tears streaming down her face. Ronno kept running, he was fully matured, Two years old, as she was two years old. "Ronno! You don't need to do this!" She called, seeing another buck, it was Seth. "This stops now." Seth yelled, anger burning his eyes. Ronno stomped his hoof, inches away from Seth. "Seth, you're a murderer." Ronno snarled, lowering his head, ready to fight. They ran at each other. Loud sounds of antlers hitting each other rang through the forest. Ronno reared up, scratching Seth with his sharp hooves. Seth growled, headbutting Ronno in the stomach, Causing him to lose his balance. "Ronno!" Gwen yelled, seeing Ronno fall off the side of a cliff. "Not yet." He growled, using his antler to trip and pull Seth down with him. They fought as they fell, getting closer and closer to the ground. Seth smirked, pushing off of Ronno, jumping on a small ledge, just before the ground. Seth watched as Ronno fell, hitting the ground hard, a pool of blood surrounded him. "Ronno!" Gwen screamed, waking up seeing his still maturing body beside her. She looked around her, it was dawn. She laid her head over his sleeping body, thankful it was only a dream. Ronno woke up, seeing his mate crying softly, with her head over him. "Are you ok?" He asked, looking at her. "I..I had a bad dream." She said, looking at him. Ronno looked at her, nuzzling her. "It was only a dream. Nothing real, Nothing to worry about." He said softly. She knew what he said was true but the dream and Ronno falling to his death burned and stained her mind. "I never want to be apart of you." She said, looking at him. "Neither do I." He said softly, smiling. They watched the sun rise. "I guess it's time to get up." She said, smiling. "Yea, maybe we can meet up with our friends, Bambi and Faline." He said smirking. Gwen smiled and got up, Ronno following her. "Let's go." He said, walking out of the well-hidden thicket. They walked deeper into the woods, looking for berries. "Look. I found some!" Gwen said, happily eating them. Ronno smiled and ate them as well. They finished and they went to find Bambi and Faline. "Faline, I don't know if he is safe." Bambi said quietly. Ronno smirked and decided to show off, he ran in front of them. "Hey guys." he said smiling. "What do you want, Ronno?" Faline asked, annoyed. "Aww. I can't hang out with my best friends?" He said, acting sad and hurt. "Anyway, I want to show you someone." He said, smiling as Gwen walked out of the forest. "Gwen?" Faline said, shocked that she was around Ronno. "Faline, Hello." She said smiling. Bambi looked at them, confused. "You know her?" he asked, looking at Faline. "Yes, her mom and my mom are close friends." she said, shaking her head. "This is my mate." Ronno said, smiling deviously. Faline gave a shocked and worried look at Gwen. "Your...what?" Faline and Bambi said, shocked that someone could like such a cold-hearted deer. "His mate." Gwen said, smiling. "Wait. You actually like him, but he is so cold-hearted, so mean. Full of hat-" Bambi was rudely cut-off by Gwen. "He is not those things! He loves me! He cares about me! Don't ever say those false things!" Gwen rebutted, anger filling inside her. Bambi looked at the doe, shocked from her sudden words. "Looks like the princess needs to watch what he says." Ronno growled, looking dead at Bambi. "Don't call me that." Bambi said, folding his ears back. Ronno hissed, his tail moving. "Leave us alone, now." Bambi said in a low tone. Ronno smiled, standing there. "No." He said, smiling. "I won't ask you again." Bambi hissed. "Ronno, it's not worth it, let's go." Gwen said, remembering the dream. "I can't just leave my frie-" He said, getting cut off by Bambi's harsh words, "We are not friends!" He yelled, the loud outbreak rang through the forest. Ronno glared angrily at Bambi, staying there for only a few seconds before walking off. Gwen looked at Ronno. "You ok?" She asked softly. "Yea.." He hissed, still exasperated from the argument. Gwen lowered her head, sighing. "I..." She stopped, knowing he would probably yell at her. Ronno shot Gwen a harsh and anger filled look, turning his head to look where he is going. "We aren't friends!" The loud scream burned it way into Ronno's mind. "I hate him." He said bitterly, anger rising up and stabbed his heart. "Ge is dead to me." Ronno said lowly. Gwen turned her head to look at Ronno. "I'm going back home." She said, heading towards the thicket. Ronno followed, staying a few yard back behind her. "I miss my mother..." Gwen has been thinking about her mother ever since she ran off. "Mom. I love you!" She said quietly. She could hear Ronno angrily talking to himself as she climbed in the thicket and tried to go to sleep. Thoughts about her mom kept her awake. "I can never see her again..." She thought, slowly falling asleep, having dreams if her mom.

Ronno's Side (A Bambi Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum