01 - Introductions

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Claire's P.O.V

The town was beautiful, quiet and small with a small forest almost encircling it, giving it an aura of seclusion, isolation, like there were secrets here that needed to remain hidden from the rest of the world.

"Not bad." my mom said, it actually translated into "I like it" since she never says exactly what she thinks about someone or something, she prefers to down-play it, just in case it ends up being worse than she thought it was.

"Is this our new house?" I asked as the two-story Victorian could be my dream-house.

"Uh, no." My dad replied, he was the one who had come to find where we would stay for the next six months, or six years, "It's a couple of blocks.... Ah! here we are!" he exclaimed as he turned and parked in front of small white house.

I felt my smile turn into a frown but I wouldn't let it show, we were all together and we were going to be fine. That was my motto, last year was maybe our worst year ever, now we had a new beginning in front of us we would get better, I knew we would.

The house was actually more spacious inside, with many windows and an attic  that could be turned into a bedroom. "One of the reasons I chose it," dad said, "was that it could be rented furnished. So we can get our clothes and move right in," even though he was smiling I knew he was sad remembering why we needed a furnished house. I hugged him trying to get him to think of anything else and he kissed the top of my head, "Well miss Claire, you really need to get your stuff and go have a bath!" he said and hugged me close.

By the end of the day we were exhausted but the house was clean and everything was in place, the only things still needed, groceries. "I think we need to get some grocery shopping done" I said and five minutes later we were on our way again to the shopping center my dad had mentioned.

I was contemplating buying noodles or spaghetti when both were taken from my hands, I turned around to find  probably the hottest guy I've ever met in my 20 years of life holding the pasta all the while smiling at me, "Excuse me! I was going to buy that!" I said letting my anger show.

He smiled and returned the items, "I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else. I'm Dan by the way, and I would advise you to go with rice instead." he said.

I felt my lips smiling despite myself in return, "Really, and who made you an expert on pasta?" I joked and offered my hand introducing myself, "I'm Claire and I'm new here." his grip was strong but careful.

"Well, these will not do" he said as he returned the pasta on their shelves and placed a couple packages of fragrant rice in my shopping basket, "if you still prefer your  pasta to these, I promise I'll buy you a whole basket of spaghetti and noodles."

I watched him, expecting to see him laughing, but he was too serious to be joking, "Okay then," I told him seriously, "I'll see you here on Monday, now I got to go." I smiled and went to the cashier where my parents were waiting.

Jim's P.O.V

I was waiting outside the grocery store for Dan to get us some beers when something in the air caught my attention, I looked outside the car windshield and windows but only a few people were around, "Humans" my inner voice dismissed them.

A few minutes later Dan was back, bringing with him the scent of something flowery and feminine, the same scent that had drawn me before. "Finally." I said, reigning in my inner beast, "I thought you were lost."

He smiled and passed me a can, "No, I know that store since I was a kid. I met someone, that's what took me so long. "

I took off feeling the beast in me roaring, concentrating on the road I managed to get us to the lake without being stopped by the cops. I really didn't want to end up, once again, in the cage. With the radio screeching an old rock ballad we each were at our second beer, I was relaxed, right up until Dan started talking about the girl he met....

"She's beautiful, not too tall and curvy. Her hair is brown and must reach her waist but her eyes, her eyes are gorgeous, the truest green...." he kept on and I could control myself, mostly, up to... "And her scent is so unique... like a flowered meadow in spring..." My inner beast wanted to howl, to make him stop talking, to make sure he never talked about her again. "But..." he continued, "she's human."  and that's when my beast took total control of my body.

I came to my self slowly, feeling the hard earth on my face, I felt like I had been hit by a train but as I opened my eyes I saw the silver railing of the cage and cursed myself loudly.

"Jim? Have you woken up?" I heard Dan calling and had to stop before yelling.

"What happened?" I asked, as calmly as i could, which wasn't much.

"I'm sorry, I'm sos sorry Jim..." Dan was apologizing but I had no idea why, "I know I shouldn't have called them but... You have left me no choice." he came by the door and I opened my eyes to look at him.

The sight made me gasp, his face was all shades of blue and purple and his right hand was in a cast, I didn't ask who did this to him, I already knew. I have lost control and Dan had paid the price, but for what? There was no reason.... except.... the girl.... the beast in me growled.

I felt his fur sliding under my skin and his rage invading my head, I didn't want to listen to him, I sat on the earth and tried to control my breathing. "I'm sorry Danny, it wasn't your fault." I told him and watched as he lowered his head and turned to leave. "Dan?" I called after him, "What is her name?" I knew even as I asked that I shouldn't give in to my beast, that I should forget he even mentioned her, but I couldn't.

"Claire," he said, "her name is Claire, she just moved here." I nodded and he left, leaving me alone in the silver cage in the basement of my house with her name and scent rolling around in my head, feeding the beast just as another thought had me doused in cold sweat, "She's Human."

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