Dublin City on A Tuesday Night

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A voice crackled on the other side of the line, "...Hello?"

Valerie took a deep breath, "Hi, ...um, is this Gale?"

"Yeah, that's me," his voice sounded amused, "who is this?"

"Hi, Gale, it's Valerie from the accident—"

"Yeah, I remember you," his tone shifted to concern, "how are you, Valerie?"

"I've been better," Valerie made a sound that resembled a weak laugh. "Uh, you left your jacket with me...."

"Oh, right," it was Gale who laughed this time, "it's no big deal, though."

"I just wanted to return it and to thank you for all that you did yesterday," Valerie said, "and the least I can do is buy you a cup of coffee. Are you free anytime soon?"

"Know what? I'm in the area," Gale began with the hint of a smile in his tone, "how about I meet you at Kaph's? It's the closest café to the hospital."

"Now?" Valerie sounded almost surprised by his proposal but she quickly masked it, "I mean, yeah, sure."

"See you in a few minutes then," he said before hanging up.

Valerie wasn't expecting to meet him so soon, but she went along with it. After all, she decided, she needed to check off this errand from her mental to-do list—sooner rather than later. She was heading out anyways, back to the flat, to prepare Dana's suitcase for a long stay at the hospital. No one really knew how long Dana would be out; not even her neurologist. All the doctors repeated the same mantra until it was engraved within Valerie's brain, "Comas are unpredictable." Reluctantly, she left her parents with Dana and headed out towards Kaph.

Lucky for her, it was only a five-minute walk since she was still recovering from her injuries. Twinkling lights hung from the windows of the quaint busy-looking café but she was blind to the magic of Dublin City on this Tuesday night. Only one thing was on her mind, and as she passed the people in the streets, she saw the face of her sister in every one. She wished she saw Dana's healthy face; instead, it was a pale, lifeless face, riddled with cuts.

When she neared, she saw a small swarm of adolescent girls buzzing about a man at the foot of the entrance.

"I can't believe it!" Valerie heard one of the girls chattering quirkily to her friend, "it's Gale Powell!"

What? The cogs in Valerie's brain began to turn and click into place. She recognized the name immediately and when she looked over at him through the small crowd, her suspicions were confirmed. Just then, Gale looked up from the autograph he was signing and met Valerie's curious eyes.

"I have to go now," he apologized as he tried to make his way through. The group slowly dispersed and many looked displeased because they couldn't get their photo with the rock star.

Gale chuckled nervously, "Sorry, ...I didn't mean for that to happen."

This time, Valerie couldn't hide the surprise from her voice, "I would have never figured."

"It's a small world," he shrugged slightly and smirked, "let's go inside."


"So," Valerie set the two coffee cups on the table and took her seat, "you're Gale Powell."

"I am," he chuckled as he tore off the packet of sugar and put it in his coffee, "and you're Valerie, uh...."

"Boulus," she gave him a small smile, "I'll admit it's a hard name to remember."

"Valerie Boulus," he mused and took a sip of his coffee, his face scrunching in the process at the rush of heat.

Valerie stirred sugar down her own coffee, her smile slowly fading away as her mind replayed the events of the previous day. "Thank you, honestly, for everything," Valerie began, her eyes low.

"Don't mention it," Gale took another warm sip, "I hope you're feeling better, though."

"I'm in good shape," Valerie stretched her functioning arm in exaggeration, "just a broken arm and a few bruised ribs but no concussion."

"Glad to hear it," he laughed; a quiet, musical sound that drifted in the mellow background of the café. Then, there were a few moments of silence; he looked up into her preoccupied eyes and asked her the question she least wanted to hear. "How is your sister?"

Gale saw the string of emotions running across her eyes; of which he recognized many. He thought he detected fear, primarily, then there was regret, followed by a brief glimpse of grief. He sipped his coffee quietly as he waited for her reply.

Valerie's mind was a jumbled mess; she didn't know what to say or even how to say it. She remained quiet for a few more moments, trying to compose her voice. "Dana went into a coma after her surgery," she took in a sharp breath and held it inside her lungs, "they don't know if she'll wake up."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Gale hung his head low; frustrated for not knowing how to console her, "you know, they say comatose patients can sometimes hear you."

Valerie's eyebrows were raised in a quizzical arch as she took a sip from her coffee.

"I read it somewhere—maybe you can try that. I'm sure hearing your voice will be good for her," he rambled nervously. Her calm exterior demeanor made him nervous, partially because he knew that she was anything but calm internally.

He cleared his throat and mentally cursed at himself. They were both quiet for a few moments and Gale watched as she took her final sips of coffee. First, he paid close attention to her eyes which sang the saddest aria he had ever heard. Her shoulders were slouched as if the weight of the world had settled between their curves. Then, he looked at her long fingers which were clutching onto the coffee cup for dear life, the knuckles bulging from the strength of her hold.

Valerie snapped out of her trance-like state and her eyes zoomed into focus. She set her cup her down and checked the time on her phone. "It's getting late. I should go."

Before Gale could reply or even offer to call her a taxi, Valerie stood up and handed him his jacket. "Thanks, again."

He took it from her with a confused expression, "Are you heading back to the hospital?"

"Actually, no," Valerie stood awkwardly, ready to leave but not knowing how to, "I'm going to Dana's flat first to grab her suitcase."

"I'm no doctor Valerie," Gale stated, "but I sure know you can't carry anything with that broken arm."

"No, I'll...call a taxi." Her mind frame was the farthest thing from stable and she was unaware that he could tell. Her excuse for not accepting his help was weak and he shot it down without much effort.

"A taxi's no use," Gale flashed her a wide smile, "let me help you out."

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