How Did You Know You Were Gay?

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     I could go into a deeply personal account of my entire childhood that would explain all of my experiences, but I'm honestly not ready for that. I've still got quite a bit to figure out and accept about myself. So, I'll skip right to the point for this question.
     I realized that I was gay when I was thirteen. I'd spent months and months trying to deny that part of me and hoping that my attraction for other girls would go away, but it didn't. I was terrified; my area is highly homophobic, and so was/is most of my family. Imagine being the lonely kid with no friends to confide in and realizing that there is something about you that is considered "wrong" in your family. I finally came to accept the fact that I was different once I realized that my feelings would never change. They didn't change during all those months that I stayed up all night worrying my brain to death that I was "wrong" or damaged, and they were never going to change. It's just who I am.
     Now, if you are that kid (or adult) with no friends or family to confide in about anything, message me. I'll gladly be that person for you. I know what it's like, and I don't want anyone else to have to feel that way. Ever. Or, if you just want a friend for any other reason, you can message me, too.
     I hope you enjoyed this rather boring chapter about gay little me. Feel free to comment any topic that you'd like me to cover. Remember: Don't spread hate; spread acceptance.

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