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     Hello, lovely readers. I am typical15, and my real name shall remain anonymous for now. I will be the person responsible for you seeing these wonderful (sarcasm) and unfailingly correct (more sarcasm) opinions, which will more than likely be the cause of my demise on Wattpad.
     As a member of the LGBT+ community, I'm aware of the lack of representation for queer people in the media and the unwillingness of some people to accept us for who we are. I am also aware that many, many people have questions about the LGBT+ community as a whole, the problems we face, what some terms mean, etc. That's why I have created this piece of work. I want to address your questions, concerns, and give advice or at least direct you to someone that can. We as a community need to band together to help educate our fellow LGBT+ pals, our allies, and everyone that lacks the ability to let us live as we like. Let's go make the world a more accepting place!

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