The Legend 1st Part

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Once upon a time there was a village named Oacvale.

In this village there was a little kid named Brosco. He was only 9 years old. His father woke him up early in the morning.

-Good morning my son. Today your older sister has her birthday.
- You know what you need to do. You must give her a present.
-But...I don't have enought money.
-Oh that isn't a problem. I am going to give you 5 sents for each good action you do.
-What are you still here? Go!

Brosco started walking in his village. Firtsly, he saw a little girl crting and he approached her.

-What's your problem?
-I lost Rossie.
(And she continued crying)
-Yes it is my little toy-bear. If you find it can you return it to me please?

He started searching for her bear. As he was walking he saw anothet little kid being hit by a bully.

He had two options, either help the kid or join the bully.

He didn't even think to join the bully and he started hit him. Then, bully started running for his house.

-Thank you! For your help pls accept my gift. Take that bear.

That bear was Rossie. He took the bear and he returned it to the little girl.

By doing that, Brosco had done already two good actions. Later, a man approached him and he asked Brosco.

-Pls can you stand here and watch my barrels for me? I have some bussiness to do and I have to leave for 1 minute. Can I trust you?
-Of course.
-You're such a good boy.

While Brosco was waiting, he saw a child. This kid approached him and he asked Brosco

-Hey do you want to smash some barrels? There is still time before that old man comes back.
-No thanks, I think I will just stand here and wait untill he comes back.
-Ohh, you're such an idiot boy. You are not fun at all.

The old man returned and Brosco made another good action. Then, he went to his father.

His father gaved him 15 sents for his actions. He went in a trader and took some chocolates for her sister...


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