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brooklyn bound


Have you got my straightener Dani?" Asked Nicole, rummaging my through my suitcase.

I walked out the bathroom and helped her check. "Why would I have it? I have my own straighteners."

Nicole ignored me and continued to look. Eventually she gave up and collapsed on her bed.

"I'm too tired for this right now." She said as she buried her head in the duvet. I sighed and checked around her bed, looking for the outlets.

"You don't have to look for it, I'll just buy a new one." Nicole shrugged, sitting up and checking one last time before zipping her suitcase shut.

"You won't be saying that when you'll want to use my ones." I mumbled under my breath. I pulled my phone out to check the time.

"It's ten to nine. Do you wanna start heading down now?" I asked, slipping my phone back into my pocket.

Nicole groaned. "I can't believe your making me drive for two and a half hours."

"I didn't make you actually; your the one who offered." I corrected as I pulled my suitcase off my bed and pulled the handles up.

"Whatever," Nicole replied, rolling her eyes. She grabbed her suitcase and purse. "Let's go then; you lead the way."


After a long journey of getting downstairs (due to the fact that the elevator was broken down and we're on the top floor), we made it into the hotel lobby. Superstars were all sat down on the sofas provided, suitcases and extra bags piled around them.

I noticed John sitting down, so I nudged Nicole. "Pass the key; I'll check us out so you can go see Mr Loverboy over their."

Nicole smiled and handed the keys over. "Are you still coming with me and John?"

I nodded and she walked off to go talk to him. I handed the keys back to the receptionist and checked myself and Nicole out before joining the herd of Superstars.

"Hey Mercy." I said as I approached her. She was standing alone by the door, on her phone. Once she saw me she looked up and smiled.

"Hey girl," she said as she gave me a quick hug. "Excited for Brooklyn?"

I nodded. "Can't wait for our match. I have a feeling it will be one of the best matches of the night."

"Agreed," she said. "Out of curiosity, do you have any interviews tomorrow?"

"I think so," I said. "Let me check my timetable."

I pulled out the paper from my bag and opened it. I scanned the paper before stuffing it back in my bag.

"Yeah, with a radio show. You?"

"Same as you, looks like we'll be together." She grinned.

"Hey Mercy!" Someone called out. She turned around and grinned before being embraced by someone tall. I stood awkwardly at the side whilst they began talking. I caught Mercedes eye and she gasped.

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