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"Maisie! You have a visitor." I heard my mum knock on my door. Visitor?  The only 'visitor' I get is from Aunt Flow and it was not her time to come and irritate me. I grumbled and hauled my blanket off of me. It must be only about 9 in the morning, AKA too damn early. "Tell them to come back later-in about 5 years." Yeah, that's a good idea. 

I snuggled into my blanket further and let out a content sigh. "Maisie! It's a boy. Now I don't know about you but I don't see many young gentlemen knocking on this door.  So Upsy-daisy." With that she ripped off the delicious blanket that was covering my body. Oh hell to the no. "Mum!" I growled and played tug-a-war with my mum over the blanket. Oh she was so dead. No one messes with my sleep. No one. Zilch. 

She soon yanked the blanket out of my hands and I pouted. I watched my mother retreat out of my room with my blanket tucked into her arm. She had won the war and the prize.

Now with that issue half out of my head I came to the bigger one. Who was at the door? A young gentleman? Psh, who even knows any?

I quickly pulled on a jumper over my top, put on some jeans and hurried down the stairs. Just because I don't know any doesn't mean I'm not excited to find out who awaits me downstairs.

At the final step I looked up and saw who was standing there. Fletcher-damn-Daniels. "I'm sorry. I do believe my mother told me there was a young gentleman waiting for me." I emphasized on gentleman. Fletcher was far from it and he knew it. 

My mother keeps making me think she's completely insane. Fun.

"That hurts. It really does but we have other matters to attend to over this little banter sesh." He wavered the book in his hand at me. Oh that. I had been forgetting about that.


"Off topic but what the heck are you wearing?" Fletcher looked at my outfit in distaste. I thought my  sweater with paw prints and jeans was cute. "My usual. A sweater and jeans or leggings. Simple yet cute." 

"Cute? I'm sorry, do you not know the definition of cute?" Fletcher ran his hand down his face, "This is going to be harder than I thought. First, your fashion taste is terrible, I'm a guy and even I know that." My fashion taste is good! My outfit says 'I'm casual but hey I like dogs!' That's good, right?

"Also, I knew you were not the best socializer but damn, have you never held a conversation with a guy before?" 

 I shrugged. It was true, I'm inexperienced in the guy department. "This is hopeless. You need to change."

"Well, Mr. Fashion Police and Guy Expert, what do you recommend?" I questioned him.

Right now Fletcher and I were at the mall studying. Now I know what you're thinking 'why the heck are you doing at the mall to study?' my answer to that is, no flipping idea. It was all Fletcher's idea. We couldn't go to the library because it was too 'uncool' to be seen there.

This whole 'operation date Hayden' thing keeps getting harder and harder. "Get a better style and have more confidence."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but easier said than done." I sighed and looked down at the book we were supposed to be talking about. Trying to teach Fletcher something was like talking to a fish; hopeless. 

"Actually it's quite simple. Shop for less," he looked my sweater up and down, "sweaters and more dresses. That's your new motto, Maisie. Stick to it."

We both turned back to the work in front of us and I continued to explain the sum we were working on.

Is it really that bad?

Once we were finished I started again, "I don't know, I like it. It makes me feel comfortable and it makes me blend." My fashion sense has always been 'wear something that makes you fit into the crowd'. It's been working fine so far, but maybe not with the whole nerdy issue.

"Blending is not good. I don't care what Adam Sandler says, it's bad. It makes no one, including Hayden by the way, notice you and you just... well blend!  Blending in with the crowd is every normal teenage girls fear. I would know, I've dated enough of them."

I sighed. He was right. 

"This was a mistake. The whole thing. I'm crazy to think this would ever work out." I closed my book and picked up all of my stuff littered across the table.

"Don't walk away from this Maisie. I didn't mean to offend you. I'm just trying to help you get Hayden to notice you. He's your Senpai. I get it." Fletcher mouth flipped into his signature smirk. 

"My what?" I frowned and he just laughed at me. 

"Listen, Fletcher, I'm not like the usual girls Hayden dates anyways. I'm nerdy, insecure and just drab. The girls he dates are the absolute definition of blonde bombshells. It isn't going to work. I'm getting my hopes up for nothing." I glanced down at the table. It was true. I was just me and Hayden was Hayden, the most popular guy in school. I've never had a boyfriend, I've never even had a guy interested in me. I think I'm just made to be a psychotic cat lady.

"Well, Maisie-Moo, there's plenty of things you can do to change that. You keep going on and on about how Hayden would never like you and this was a mistake but you need to change the way you think. Sure, you're not the prettiest girl I've ever seen and you're definitely not his type-no offense and all-but you aren't the ugliest and you're not too far out of reach." Fletcher folded his arms behind his head and looked over at me. So I'm not the prettiest but not the ugliest girl he's ever seen. I'm not Hayden's type but I'm not too far out of the zone. Right.

"Thank you? I'm not too sure whether I should be offended or not."

"Not. I'm not a compliment giver so feel special."  I see, Fletcher's idea of compliments is a bit different to the rest of the human population.

We quietly turned our focus back onto what we were working on.

After 3 hours of Fletcherizing (A/N: A mix of Fletcher and socializing. Yeah dude just gonna get my daily amount of Fletcherizing.) we both packed away our books and threw away the empty cans of iced tea. As I was about to turn around and head for the bus stop, Fletcher stopped me, "Hey, Maisie, You should ask your brother about what he was really doing when he was away." With that he spun around and left me wondering what the heck he meant by that. Did Jake and Fletcher know each other?

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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile!! And this is pretty short too but I really wanted to get this up. I hope this doesn't seem to be going too fast.

Please let me know what you think of this story by leaving a comment and vote :)  

Also can I please get a high five for making up Fletcherizing. Hahaha.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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