I'm Maid To Five Vampires And They All Want ME?! Part 21

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Chapter 21:


Never before have I felt so helpless.

Trudging along behind Joseph like an idiot...all chained up.


Ooh well now I feel like the Hulk. Maybe I could go green and bulk up and kill everyone...Oh my god! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME! Wait...I could kill everyone anyway...but I wouldn't be green and hulky...that's the whole point of the killing...

"Why haven't you asked yet?"

Jerking my head up, I glare at Joseph, "What?"

He frowns, "Why haven't you asked me why I want to kill you both yet?" his voice is starting to get whiny, "You HAVE to ask! If you don't I can't continue with the plan! I have a whole speech worked out!" he reaches into his pockets and grabs a bunch of cue cards.

He then proceeds to wave those cue cards in my face.

Rolling my eyes, I let out an annoyed 'urgh' and ask, "Why do you want to kill me and Molly?" my voice is dull, bored.

Joseph sighs, "Again! With more feeling!"

I scowl, "Why do you want to KILL me and MOLLY?" I enquire, with just a bit more 'feeling'.

Yet again, he sighs, but it's more frustrated this time, "See Silas, I'm just not FEELING it! Again! With more...Oomph!" he orders.

Dropping to my knees, I ring my hands in front of him, "Oh glorious one! WHY?! WHY do you want to KILL ME and MOLLY?! WHYYYYYYYYY???!!!!!"

I think that went well, because he chuckles, "You poor pathetic fool. You don't remember do you?" oh great. Now I have to live through his speech. "You don't remember how you tore my parents apart in front of my sister and I? How you drank their blood, drained them completely? Tormented our minds...we were so young! You ruined us! We knew we wanted revenge...so know we're going to kill the thing you love most and make you watch, and then we will kill YOU. The world will be free of one more bloody vampire."

I blow a raspberry, "Lame! Is there some way I can change the channel on this? This entire charade is getting entirely too corny for my liking. I've heard that speech before. This plan has been attempted before!" I tell him.

Joseph's jaw drops, "What? WHEN?!"

I shrug, "64." I reply nonchalantly.

"1964?" he demands.

I nod, "Yup. It happened after the snap incident in Mexico."

"Snap incident?" I think I'm losing him.

"Don't worry about it. Was there anything else you wanted me to do to go along to your plan?" I ask him.

Joseph pulls a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and quickly opens it. He reads down, "Kidnap Molly...yadda yadda...Kidnap Silas...Silas asks why. Joseph tells speech...ah here we are! Yeah. Now I'm supposed to kick you to the ground screaming 'you bastard. You bastard. You killed my parents.' And you're meant to start begging for forgiveness and apologising profusely."

Is this guy a joke?

"Alright then."

He nods solemnly, "So...like how are we going to do this? Should I just get straight into it or should I count down? You could attack me first?"

"Just do it."

He kicks me.

I don't feel a thing. It doesn't even make me sway a tiny bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2009 ⏰

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