The Do's and Don'ts of Wattpad - How to Get on the What's Hot List

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I'm becoming quite annoyed with some of the habits of Wattpaders, so this is a bit of a rant I've made. It's probably not even as funny as I assumed it would be, but I think I'm fricking hilarious so, yeah.


1. Advertise your story on the Share Your Story Club, how the hell else are you suppose to get your story out there? Your fairy godmother won't just go poof a million views, you're welcome. She's only good for making dresses for the ball.


1. Go on the Share Your Story Club and say, 'I'm headed off to your story now! HEHEHE' then comment. "I love it, great job!" We know you haven't read it. The least you could do is BS another sentence or two, you are a writer, right? You should be good at that. And if worse comes to worse, just vote, it makes you look less rude.


2. Use proper grammar because an educated paragraph is a sexy paragraph and b**ches love sexy literature.


2. fORGET 2 UsE Spellz cheCk cuz no 1 wanna read dis, gots it? I'm not from the back alley ghetto, I can't interpret your nonsense into coherent words, and I shouldn't have to.


3. Not Hesitate to write a cliche, just because everyone says it's taboo doesn't mean you should give a crap. People LIKE clichés, that's why they are so frequently used.


3. Open up someone else's story and be like, "OHHHH, that's totally something I should put in my story, with Edward Cullen and Justin Beiber too!!!!!!1!!11!" If I got a dime for every story that I've read that copies Twilight or some other popular book, my ass would be so rich. Add your own little twist on things to get the characters hooked or else they'll book it out of there.


4. Try and make each and every chapter of your story interesting, but try and do it in about 3 to 4 Wattpad pages. (Only a suggestion). Wattpaders, no offense, but half of you wouldn't even read past the FIRST page of the 1st chapter if it said, Page [1] of 7. I'm not going to lie, I probably won't even get past the first paragraph before I x' out of there, if I wanted to read a novel, I would have bought one.


4. Make filler chapters that are hardly a page long and the only significant thing the main character has done is slam their fist on their alarm clock and trip down the staircase (Whoops, clumsy me, who put those stairs there?) to get a bowl of cereal then discover there's no milk (OH GAWD). Unless your story is called Those Damn Stairs and the Disappearing Milk Carton... just... don't

***If anything written here personally offends you, I apologize. This is just a rant that I'll be frequently updating with sets of 4 do's and don'ts each time. It's going to be frequently updated because I always have something to say when it comes to this website. ;)

***Also if anything I say makes me out to be a hypocrite, then whoops. Humans are hypocritical people, speaking generally of course. So I'm bound to mention something I myself do and it doesn't matter because maybe that's why my story isn't #1 on the What's Hot List, so don't comment calling me a hypocrite or jerk.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2013 ⏰

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The Do's and Dont's of Wattpad - How to Get on the What's Hot ListWhere stories live. Discover now