Chapter 3 - Coffee Shops

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^^^^^^Riosa Heather^^^^^^

A/N: I just wanted to let you guys know that the cover for this book will be changing soon. I never really likes the cover for this one anyway. If you have any ideas or anything just message me 'cause I've got nothing. 

Also, don't mind me saying "football fields" instead of yards/miles. I've never been good at math.

Chapter 3 - Coffee Shops


The sound of paws against the forest ground behind me gave me a rush. Of course it was my pack so it's not like the 'I'm gonna die' adrenaline rush, more like the 'I'm leading them' rush you get when you're the leader. Sounds arrogant but it's a magnificent feeling. 

Patrol is always one of the harder jobs of being alpha, besides the mountain of paperwork than I'm trying oh so desperately to postpone, because not only do you have to watch yourself, your pack, monitor their well being, physical shape and mental state you also have to pay attention to your surroundings. As alpha, I must be aware of all of those things every minute I'm on patrol around pack borders. It sounds like a lot but that's because if I don't something could go horribly wrong. For example, what if the patrol squad got attacked by some sneaky rouges and I wasn't paying attention to my pack so someone got killed? That would be bad and it would be my fault. 

That being said, I slowed my walk to a stop, turning around to face them. They were all breathing normally. Good. That means my pack is well trained. If they had been out of breath, I would have stepped up their training. trained wolves like them should be able to run about the size of two football fields without breaking a sweat...if their training is good. Our territory is about the size of four football fields, so they should be able to walk it no problem. 

The group of wolves seemed to notice my wolfish grin and shifted. I never really liked giving orders unless I had too so it was kinda like an unspoken rule that once I gave some sort of sign of approval, it was okay to shift and put clothes on. 

Once everyone was gone I yawned, part of me on the inside dying a little bit. Paper work is evil. I glanced around, hoping no one was around. I ran towards one of the trees with spare clothes in it. I grabbed them in my mouth and shifted, quickly putting my clothes on. Though werewolves were supposed to be comfortable and trusting creatures, being pack animals, I never really liked changing in front of people. Kind of a weird thing about me. 

Okay self, you have two options. Paper work or coffee shop...paper work....or coffee shop...paper- coffee shop. Definitely coffee shop. 

I glanced around, hoping no one will see me slip out of pack grounds.

Lucky for me, the coffee shop wasn't too far away. Oddly enough  I actually love the coffee shop here. It always smells like coffee cake and the workers are really nice. I opened the door, the bell ringing as I walked in. The coffee shop was always full of quiet little murmurs of people in conversations. As I enjoyed the small coffee shops environment, I walked up to the counter.

"Welcome, what can I get for you today?"

"I'd like a small black coffee," I said as I looked up and saw Taylor, who was trying his hardest to avoid my eyes.  "Oh my god."

He flinched, looking down at the suddenly interesting ground.

"How on earth did you get a job that fast?" I asked, honestly astounded by the newbie. 

"I just..did, I guess," he mumbled.

"hnm? give me a discount."

"What? Why?"

I leaned in close.

"How about because I'm your alpha?"

He giggled quietly. My eyes widened a bit. Oh my good great mother of Jesus on a purple sex toy. that was--


"Did you just laugh?"


"That was adorable."

His cheeks went pink. Also very cute. I smirked.

"Did that embarrass you?" I asked, feeling a little bit of a need to bully him surface. 

"What would you like to order?"

"Oh come on~"

"What would you like to order, sir?"


"You're holding up the line. What would you like to order?"

I pouted looking back and seeing two very annoyed girls behind me, "small black coffee and a coffee cake."
"That'll be three dollars and fifty cents. Your order will be called out by number and you will receive it over there. Thank you and come again."

I sighed, making my way over to an empty table and flopping down in a chair. I glanced over at him taking the order for those two girls. He was smiling, very brilliantly if I might add. A twinge of jealousy hit me in the face. Why am I jealous? He's not my mate. My wonderful absolutely gorgeous mate will be with me soon~

Well, conflicting emotions aside, I just found where Taylor works...

Oh this is going to be fun~

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