Chapter 2

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"I still don't see why you programmed a bathroom into here." Karkat rolled his eyes, "Its not like I can poop or anything."

"No proper house is done without one." Dave replied simply. He raised his hand to snatch a chocolate from the bowl sitting over the fireplace mantel.

"Which makes me wonder why you built a house in the first place." He sat down, glancing around his newly programmed house. It was light gray and had various furniture from his previous residence. He wondered why Dave knew of these couches and chairs to the last detail, but he didn't bother questioning him.

"Because, Karkat, it would be really weird to live in a simulated world without a house. I'm working on finding you a cat too, ya know, to match the name?"

"Oh god please don't scoop up a cat corpse for me."

"Don't knock it till you try it?"

"Yeah? Why don't you try to drink bleach."

"Touché" Dave sat across from Karkat, sliding a spare chocolate toward him.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" He looked down at it like it was cold liver.

"Eat it? Come on, I set your brain to register chocolate." He pushed the chocolate forward a bit. "Give it a go."

Karkat crossed his arms and walked off, attempting to locate where ever Dave had put his TV.

"Looking for something?" The voice chimed in from behind him. Dave sat in the same place as before, holding a sleek black remote. "How 'bout we watch a movie?"

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