The Snake

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The Snake
By: Insanity

 Slowly holding her breathe,
She held back the urges
Only to replace them with her tears.
"I have to pull off a fake smile." She says
As she began to think about her only solution
Is something that even herself

The bright sunshine
Came knocking on her window,
As if it wanted her to wake,

Even though she never had slept that night.

For time is a thief, and it stole her night, she sat up tall, but fell within an instant,
With one high pitched yelp, she could see that nothing else was stealing the air from her throat

Like that one pitch black snake.  

 Biting her lip in pain,
And slowly rubbing her small pale wrists,
The feeling of anxiety slowly began to arouse.
The noose that created itself around her neck the snake began to hiss....
"Let me in..." It demands.
The girl began to shake as she held her head with her hands.
The creature of black began to browse...

Weakness is all I need...
The snake thought as it constricted the girl more.
"Come on.. Stop fighting... I can help you know?"
The girl froze like ice in her place as thoughts raced in her mind.
With a stutter in her voice,
"Y-You can help?" She questioned
The snake nodded as a murderous grin began to glow.

 "Oh yes my darling...
I can help you with your troubles
Make them all go away!"
The snake began to explain
Even though it everything it said was a lie.
"Come on let me help!
Why would you want this pain to stay?"  

 The young girl shook her head in denial.
"No I can't let you..
You won't help, and I won't let you play a major role!"
The girl rose tall and proud, before flinching in pain once again.
The serpent had suddenly
Tighten its grip.
"Who said you were the one in control!"

 This was the snakes reply,
As it dug its huge fangs into her neck.
The young lady soon her body stiffen, and began to froze
As the black thick poison surfed its way to her brain
Making her scream in agony.
In only her eyes...You can see the pain.
For the this slithery serpent wanted to destroy this delicate Winter Rose. 

 Falling to her knees,
The girl began to cry.
Everyday it was the same....
And you'd think she would be use to
The pain and torture of the snake.
But her hope forever made this pain new nearly every day.
And that is exactly what the snake wanted to claim.   

 To consume her hope
Her happiness
Her spirit
Almost every waking hour
Was the goal of this serpent.
For not only did it haunt this girl,
But haunted everyone who feared it.   

 This girl is not the only one who suffers with this snake.
If you look at different people, you will see
That the biggest smiles around
Are filled with that killer poison
That makes us feels alone
And forever depressed.
Even though those who smile will try to push down

 The feelings that the poison makesㅡ
Whether it is guilt, despair, or regret
From living, existing, or just being here...
So look to those large bright grins, and you will see
Not only are some trapped in a prison of their own
But simple people like you and me ask questions like
"Would you care if I would disappear?"

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