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Choza could only offer so much. She was silent for the first 4 hours before she asked for food, for the bathroom. Each time Asuma and Choza jumping at the sound, listening so close it cause they to rack with boredom. She fell asleep on the couch but she couldn't stay.

And yet two days later, Asuma couldn't shake the girl off she held onto his pants while they walking, walking to Asuma's apartment place until further notice. It was cool that the girl was staying with him. Konohamaru sometimes stayed over so he already had a decorated child's room room for her. 

"I don't have much at home to eat, so I hope you like instant ramen" He chuckles but feels awkward when all she does is look at him. He sighs out.

Even though Choza tried for hours to get a peep, which was frustrating, he talked about his life, Choji, things kids liked but it was meant with silence. However the annoyence it brought they understood that she could be in shock.

"I have a nephew" Asuma begins and the girl looks up to his face showing she was listening. "He sometimes stays over, you can sleep in his bed" He explains and the girl nods. "Before we get you settled in, it be a good idea if we get you new cloths and get checked out by one of the doctors at the hospital" he rubbed his face. She was less dirty from the many blankets used on her but her hair, hands and clothes were burnt and she still held this look that she was confused but listening.

He led the girl to the shopping districts to buy something that didn't remind him of the dead village, clothes that weren't half burnt.

He looked at everythingwent back and forth through the aisle looking at all the options like a dad would, not knowing anything from anything; he was trying to figure out what the difference between each were. The girl watched but ultimately took something off the shelf and pulled on his shirt. he looked down as the girl. She picked out a long sleeve black sweater.  He looked at it, a purple happy face in the center, he moved it to reveal the girl now handing him a pair of pale pink shorts. He went over to the shelf for shoes and she followed in suit.

She picked up a pair of black sandles but Asuma stopped her from trying them on.

"You need some ninja shoes, they're more comfortable and they last longer" He smiles at her and grabs a blue pair.

Something about the outfit reminded him of someone he couldn't think of, someone who he recognizes but not remembers, someone dressed like this? He paid for the outfit she changed in the store's bathroom.

Asuma knew that even if he didn't want to he would have to watch the girl. He would sooner or later become the guardian of this girl this was gonna cost him a lot.

When she was done changing she came out and he knew who the oufit reminded him of. Rin.

Was this a coincidence? Probably.

The girl knew he was thinking in his head and she tilted her head just to let him know she was questioning him.

"Huh? Oh sorry you just dress like someone I know" He excuses and she smiles and nods.

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