The Bay of Dreams

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The moon shined through the Autumn night. The leaves were colorless in the dark sky illuminated by the small stars that were not so far away. They taunted me being so up high. I wanted to ask, "How can I be like you oh shining star? How can I reach so far upward that there is no where else to go?" Vague answers from the stars were singing downward to around the bay in the British Isle. The Shepperd's were to rise soon and I was to go back to work in the cycle that was repeated day by day. 

I looked at the bay, the dark waters reflected the moon and through the silence of the night came a creaking of frogs. They howled like wolf in their own RBBBBET. It was a soothing feeling. I felt at ease. I suddenly blinked and let my eyes take a drift. Blinking went on and on and I soon yawned in response to the frogs of the night. I pondered around the bay once more taking in the scenery before harvest time.

However, in the back of my head, a feeling of despair was lurking in my body. Something was wrong. I came out almost every night to see the bay but it was as if I was being observed. The Autumn weather felt like winter in during the night and the eyes that watched me pondered as I did. I soon dismissed the thought and went back to a bench made of gravel. I sat upon it and soon fell into a slumber.

Fire. A blast. A scream. Roaring of flames. Blasting of bullets. Screams of people. The once peaceful bay was now in war. The once peace village was now burning. Flames filled the houses. Smoke filled the air. The bay was rushing in different directions. The screaming of citizens were ear piercing and loud. Invaders. Dark knights rode on black horses and charged buildings.

The bay. I looked toward it. It was the only way out of this. I stepped in easily and under the blood warm water, I swam furisoly away from the people I hadn't gotten to know. I was an orphan and put into foster care with the most vicisious home I knew. I swam to a nearby isle and watched the burning. I didn't feel sad however. I just watched the fire drag over. The invaders took women and children. They laughed and spit and trashed the name of our country.

The Foster family's head man was next to be slayed. He was placed down and with the family screaming, I watched apathetically the death of him. The blade made a slicing sound from a hundred miles away. The terror in the eyes of the family changed. And I just watched.

That was 15 years ago.


I look back on that day with shame. Not one day passes me by that I don't remember the screams, the burning, the once peaceful place murdered by people's morals. The bloodshed and war- what for? I asked those stars again and again. I wished I could be like them. High and praised, so majestic and beautiful serving a purpose.

Fifteen years ago I watched the murdering of the only people who cared about me. If I could ever go back, things would be different. But I can't. These people here didn't know my dark secret nor would they ever. I was only here for the pathway to open the passage way to Atlantis in the Sky. Godlike creatures who had powers lived up in Atlantis. They have the power for everything. Even to turn back time.

The wizards had finally discovered the location after eleven years. They said it was in London's Big Ben. The clock was the portal and all that was needed was a sacrifice of a sacred item. In order for anyone to go, we all had to pitch in a precious item. Lilia gave her cross, Rosie gave her watch, Joshua gave his shield, and I gave my Foster families' crest embedded on a blanket.

We were in the Big Ben now, the objects were being offered properly and thus the gate to the heavens opened. The two hands formed one and the roman numerals arranged themselves into a shape of a star. The perfect star. The one I dreamed of and wanted to be. It turned and the handles created a purple vortex that spinned. We entered with desires and pleasures. Excited to what we would find.

Purple pearly gates with golden trim on a cloud base stood in the sky. The stars were now in view. However, from here they did not look as beautiful from down on Earth. These were rounded and green and blue. They were monstrous in size and looked more dangerous than friendly.

The gates opened and we were greeted. The head of the people spoke, "Now we will each grant you each a wish. Who will be first?" I jogged up and spoke, "Me please!"

"What will  it be?" The celestial being asked.

"Take away the pain, send me back in time on that day, let me be able to save them!"

A purple void made a hole on the clouding below me. I fell thousands of miles down to earth. The heat of the fall made me ignite and I soon fell into a sleep.

I opened my eyes. I was back on the pond of that night. I had just dowsed off for a minute. I raced back to my old home, remembering the route as planned. I warned my father and the family. The informant was killed and the invaders were no more. We were safe.

Now I reflect, even the most beautiful appearance from one view can be so beautiful and bright like a star. However, even the most boring and depressing life can be the one that you want to live over and over. When I was younger, all I wanted was to be mighty and powerful and loved when I already had it right at home. 

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