Chapter Six - Dual Sides of Emerald Eyes

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          My eyes opened up to pure, white clouds scattered sporadically throughout the indigo sky.  My hands stretched out and caressed the soft, tall grass underneath my body.  I had no idea where I was, but it didn't matter because my entire being was at peace.  The sun's rays peeked through the clouds overhead and enveloped me with soothing warmth.  I lay in the bed of green with my eyes closed and let my skin soak up some vitamin D from the lovely sun.  A calm breeze flowed delicately over my skin and hugged the curves of my body.  This was too good to be true—everything felt so surreal. 

          My moment of bliss was disturbed by the sound of footsteps making their way through the tall grass to my exact location.  I slowly sat up and turned my head to the intruder.  Suddenly, the sun vanished from the sky and was replaced with a full moon—encompassed by a blood red halo—as night fell upon the advancing stranger and me.  My eyes swept the surroundings fearfully as the change in scenery was alarmingly instantaneous.

          I brought my attention back to the unknown individual who was close enough for me to make out that it was a man.  I couldn't quite tell who it was because his features were blurry.  My eyes were drawn to a gigantic mass in the sky floating directly behind the newcomer.  Ominously, dark clouds followed in his wake, rumbling with loud thunder and surging with electricity.

          I looked back down to the man advancing toward me—completely paralyzed by fear—and choked on my breath as I realized the pursuer’s identity.  It was the man who had been haunting my dreams since the first day we met.  My thoughts and feelings had been severely conflicted ever since that day, and I had not been able to get him out of my head.  My terror shot through the roof as Dean—in all his wicked glory—began to run at me with an inhuman speed.  His face was twisted in a malevolently, determined expression.  My adrenalin kicked into overdrive and without thinking, I bolted in the opposite direction from the oncoming horror. 

          I had only gotten a few yards away, when an enormous forest came into view on the horizon, and within what seemed like seconds, I was plowing through it.  I already had no idea where I was and now I had no clue where I was going.  I ran blindly through the thick woods, desperately trying to escape the mad man who was chasing after me. 

          As I progressed halfway through, the once dark and dreary forest morphed into a bright, vibrant rainforest, filled with an abundance of various creatures scurrying about.  There were drops of water falling all around me from the trees overhead.  My blind sprint slowed to a composed stride as I marveled at the surroundings. 

          I made my way through the trees, stepping over thick roots and ducking under low hanging branches.  Little beams of light could be seen hitting the ground throughout the whole forest as luminous sunlight peeked through the massively, tall trees above.  The atmosphere was peacefully serene and the beauty was captivating.  Yet, the image of Dean chasing after me with psychotic ferocity was imprinted in my mind, and I knew I didn't have any more time to explore. 

          To my utter surprise, and thankfulness, a breach in the trees up ahead began to unfold.  Imbued with new energy, I started to run again, somehow knowing that whatever was on the other side of the forest would bring me sanctuary.  I broke through the clearing and deeply exhaled—I seemed to have been holding my breath.  Immediately, I skidded to a halt and couldn't help my mouth from falling open in absolute shock. 

          In front of me was a magnificent waterfall.  The water dropped off the peak of a high cliff with a vengeance, down to a vast lake that spread out in all directions.  The surface of the lake was sparkling everywhere as if there were diamonds floating on top of the water.  I was standing just a few feet away from the edge of the lake.  I could feel a light mist hitting my skin as the wind from the waterfall's force drifted out to where I was rooted to the ground—paralyzed by its mesmerizing beauty.  The sun was high in the sky and the heat radiating to the ground was literally emitting waves of positivity. 

          Dean was standing at the head of the lake in a casual stance—gazing at me utterly transfixed and captivated—completely devoid of all hostility.  I turned around and frantically searched for the evil Dean who was previously pursuing me.  Nothing lay behind me but the vivacious rainforest, that no longer seemed enchanting compared to the splendor that lay before me. 

          I brought my eyes back to the man that I had been fleeing from moments ago, only now he was the exact opposite of his former, wicked self.  The light that bounced off the rippling water behind him outlined his body with a dazzling radiance.  I gazed into his gorgeous, emerald eyes as his mouth twisted into a breathtaking, crooked smile.

          Suddenly, a shrill ring pierced through the ambiance and the glorious image before me began to fade away.  A second ring made the picture disappear completely and be replaced by the dim sunlight invading my room.  I quickly identified that the ringing was coming from my cell phone.  I snatched it off the dresser next to my bed and answered the call.     

          “Hello?”  I sounded groggy and breathless.  I didn’t even realize how hard I was breathing.  It felt like I had just run a few miles.  I seemed to have brought some of the intensity of my dream back into my reality.

          “Hey babe.  I know it’s early but I wanted to catch you before you left to let you know the bad news,” she said in a deep, gravelly voice.  She sounded so terrible I already knew what the bad news was. 

          “Well, for starters you would have had like two hours to catch me before I left and by the sound of your voice I can definitely tell that you’re sick.”   

          “Oops,” she said as she began to laugh, but halfway through she started coughing severely for a while. 

          “See that’s what you get for sitting out in the cold rain.  I mean really, what were you thinking?  And don’t try to use, ‘it was your idea’ as an excuse,” I said smiling to myself.

          “Shut up mister.  This is all your fault and you know it!  I’m mad at you.  I’m not talkin to you.”

          “You’re talkin to me now, so yeah, that didn’t last long.  I really am sorry that you got yourself sick though.  Sucks for you!” I said, unmercifully mocking her. 

          “Grrr… you little butthead.  We are no longer friends.  I mean it.  After this phone convo we are done!” she declared. 

          I laughed out loud at her halfhearted threat.  “I’m just kidding my lovely.  I’m sorry I helped you get yourself sick.”  I restrained an oncoming fit of laughter.  The poor girl shouldn’t be put through relentless teasing while she’s sick.  “So are you going to accompany me to school today or are you on your death bed?”

          “That’s the bad news that you never let me get around to.  You know I’m not the type to stay at home for any little cold, but this one hit me hard and there is no way I’m gonna be able to make it through a whole day of school.  It’s taking all my energy just to keep up with this conversation, but the thing that kills me the most is that I won’t be with you to have your back just in case Dean—or whatever his name is—shows up.  So I want you to keep your phone out and call me immediately if you see him.  No matter how sick I am, I will rush outta this house and tackle his butt.”

          “Don’t stress yourself worrying about me while I’m at school.  I’ll be fine,” I said confidently.

          “Just promise me that you will call if he shows up,” she demanded.

          “Alrighty love, if he comes looking for me today—which I doubt he with—then I’ll give you a call,” I assured her.  I abruptly slid into a slightly, dismal mood at the thought of not seeing the angelic face from my dream any time soon. 

           We said our goodbyes—ending with a promise that I would call her as soon as I got out of school.  I hung up the phone and stared up at the ceiling in a daze.  I couldn’t shake this gloomy feeling and it was irritating the hell out of me.  I decided to busy myself with my daily routine and try to stave off all thoughts, especially those circling around a certain person.

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