Chapter 2: Spartan Dispatch Unit Gamma

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Stone and his squad, Spartan Dispatch Unit Gamma, was planned to be dropped in a few miles east of a covenant outpost not long after the events of Sword Base.

"Stone, what's the objective?" Josh asked as he loaded shells his shotgun.

"ONI wants us to eliminate a covenant....." Stone started before being cut off by another squad member, Paul.

"Leader held up in the base. Yeah, we know, it's always the same with ONI. Eliminate this, take out this." Paul complained whilst sliding his magnum into it's holster.

"Hey, it's the mission and we're going to complete it. No matter what the task." Stone replied sternly.

"I agree." Interjected Josh. "We always get the toughest jobs." He continued.

"Shut it, both of you! Our job is to kill this worthless scum. I don't know about you guys, but I plan to follow through on this mission." Stone exclaimed while stepping forward to Josh and glaring at him. "Now, ready your weapons, and get ready for the drop." Stone commanded. The squad finished cocking their rifles and grabbing supplies. Stuffing them hurriedly into their utilities. Suddenly, ten seconds before the drop was planned to occur, a bolt of plasma from a nearby AA gun struck the pelican and it shook like thunder.

"What was that!?" Yelled Paul.

"We've been hit....No......Alright, our wings are clipped. Brace for impact." The air flew by and shook the pelican. "200 feet...100 feet.....50 feet!" The pilot screamed right before the pelican stuck the ground, creating a deep divot in the ground and knocking the entire squad unconscious.

Stone and Paul rose up, stumbling for a moment before gaining their balance. Both glanced at each other before inspecting the pelican.

"The pilot and Josh are gone sir." Paul reported melancholy.

Stone Sighed. "Well, we aren't helping anything by just standing here. C'mon, let's get going." He claimed.

"This is command. What is your status Gamma?" Stone's radio suddenly buzzed.

"Our pelican got hit before we made it to the drop. Josh and the pilot are KIA." Stone reported monotone.

"Alright, we're going to extract you and the dead. The mission can be postponed. You don't stand a chance with just two of you." Command stated.

"Evac won't be necessary, the mission will continue as planned." Stone replied.

"Stone, you know we don't tolerate......" The radio cut off mid sentence as Stone hit a button.

"You can't be serious Stone, I am not helping you complete a mission against orders. It's suicide." Paul said.

"This mission is vital to the defense of Reach, we are completing the objective." Stone snapped back.

"You can try to complete it, but I'm waiting for evac." Paul responded.

"You will follow my orders, whether you like them or not. This is not about survival, it is about doing the right thing and finishing what we started." Stone retorted.

"No, I will not disobey command!" Paul yelled as he raised his magnum towards Stone.

"Paul, do not threaten me. I have my methods for completing mission and your job is to follow them, whether you agree with them or not." Stone stated while resting his hand on his knife.

"I don't have to blindly follow your suicidal orders. You're the one who signed up for this mission. If it weren't for you, Josh may still be alive." Paul screamed while gesturing his gun towards Stone.

"Paul, don't you dare put Josh's death on me.....I'm already responsible for enough destruction." Stone said calmly as he slowly approached Paul.

"Step away from me Stone..... Don't make me.... Wait, where did you g......." Paul said before being stunned. He glanced down at his stomach and saw a knife handle sticking out.

"No one tells me what's my fault." Stone claimed smoothly as he retrieved his blade from Paul's fallen body. He wiped both sides of the blade on his chest piece before putting back in it's holster.

Stone pressed on through the pitch black in silence. He turned on his night vision, and set himself up on a small hill about a hundred yards away from the outpost. He pulled his binoculars out of his utility stationed on the side of his left leg. "Oh no." Stone thought to himself. Stone had realized there was a group of enemy ghosts on the lower level. "Looks like they knew we were trying to flee." Stone observed. Suddenly, a beam rifle shot pierced his right arm. Pain shot up his arm and his nerves burned. As he was lying in agony, the sound of ghost engines whirring become louder. Stone, realizing he could not fight them here, retreated back towards the crash site. "There were some heavy weapons on board. I might be able to salvage something" He thought.

Stone finally arrived at the crash site and his arm had a river of blood flowing down it. When he entered the pelican, he found a bittersweet surprise. There was a rocket launcher, but it only had one rocket in it. The rest had been destroyed in the crash. As he walked out of the pelican, it came to him. There was an armor lock unit on Paul's armor. He approached Paul's body while at the same time, ripping the active camo unit off of his back. Once he had attached the armor lock unit to his suit, Stone got in position and waited in silence.

After what seemed to be an eternity of waiting, Stone heard the familiar buzz of the ghost squadron coming his way. Three enemies mounted on ghosts came speeding down towards the crash sight. Stone stepped out in front of their path and was immediately charged by one ghost. Right before it collided with him, Stone went into armor lock and destroyed the enemy ghost. After he exited armor lock, the next ghost opened fire on his position. It inched closer to him so that he would not suffer the same fate as the first ghost. Stone dashed towards the ghost. His shields were depleting until they snapped with a bright gold flash. Luckily, he was close enough to hijack the ghost from the enemy and gun him down with the cannons. Finally, it was Stone and the last ghost staring each other down. Stone's eyes focused on the figure's head and he realized, it was the elite they were hunting.

The elite's ghost started screaming towards Stone. Knowing that a head on collision would be fatal, he started towards the elite before jumping off and overtop of the elite. While he was in the air he, pulled out his laser, and shaking, fired at the elite. His ghost went up in magnificent purple explosion. Stone could not admire his work for long as the spartan laser shot had a trade off. He slowly tilted his head towards the ground, and saw his right arm lying in a puddle of blood. Suddenly, a pelican's lights were visible from above. Stone shielded his eyes from the blinding light with his remaining arm. The back door fell down to as they lowered themselves to the ground.

"We've got a lot to discuss, 671." Stone's radio blurted.

"I know." Stone thought to himself. "I know." he repeated. 


Let me know what you think in the comments. Next chapter is in progress.

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