Chapter 2 - The Day of The Choosing

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  • Dedicated to Bff Daphy Duck

Chapter 2 - The Day of The Choosing


It was the day of the choosing. I was so scared... People had been starting rumors about how Cass and some other people might get chosen. That kind of stuff isn't funny, and I don't get why they think it is. I'd like to see one of those girls get chosen.

"Hun, don't worry about The Choosing, today, ok? Don't worry, you won't get picked." My mom said as she handed me a bowl of Mini Wheats. "Ok." I said, trying to hold in my worry. I was really scared. But she didn't have to know. I knew that my mom was, too. Her worst nightmare becoming a reality was possible. I wasn't very attached to my parents, though, because I was adopted at the age of 12. So I've only lived with my parents for 2 years. Not very long. No offense to them... But I wasn't really feeling like a family member yet. Justin, by 'brother', is always telling me that I don't belong in this family, and that I am worthless and all of that other crap. I think that he's just jealous that he actually has to share the attention. After all, he's only 10.

It was time for the choosing. People had been nervous all day. They knew that one of us had to be chosen. And now the time has come. Police surrounded the school, blocking the doors and securing the perimeter. They made sure that no one got in - or out.

"Welcome everyone, and my the Hunt chose you!" The announcer said. We were all lined up against the wall across from our home room, waiting to be escorted to the meeting rooms. It was my first time in the choosing, so I was just doing what everyone else was. And at the moment, everyone was waiting. So I waited. Hours must have gone past before a member of the FBI came to escort us into the meeting rooms. The man led us through the halls, past the office and into a large open space lined with doors. I'm assuming that those doors are the entrances to the meeting rooms. The ceilings must be at least 15 feet tall. No windows. No vents. Completely secured.

 "Welcome to the meeting rooms!" The FBI escort began, "Here is how the choosing works. Each student will be selected to go to one of the 25 meeting rooms. You will sit down in a line in front of the door to the meeting room that you are designated to. Once you are called into the room, one of The Hunt will ask you some questions. You are to answer them truthfully and respectfully. The Hunt group members can sense lies and you will be executed if you tell one. They know. Trust me. So don't try to lie." The officer grinned and lead us into the middle of the room. Time to be escorted, yet again, to a meeting room.

Me, Cass, and 8 others were selected to go to meeting room #13. Of course, un-lucky number 13. Figures. I was 5th in line. Cass was 2nd in line. I worried about her. She had a way of getting herself all worked up... What if she went into panic mode in the meeting room? I needed to stop worrying about other people for once. Worry about myself. I needed to survive this. I couldn't be chosen... It would practically be a death sentence.

"Next, please." A guy named Austin, who was first in line, was called into the meeting room. He stood up, shakily, looked back at us, terrified, then walked into the room. Next up was Cassidy. I worry about her.. What if- "No! No! I won't! You can't make me! No! No!" A boy screamed from across the room. I couldn't recognize the face. He looked like he was a year older than us. Chris, I think his name was? He kept on screaming out and cursing at the world and at us, and everything. 2 FBI agents tried to hold him down, but he got loose. He ran for the door, but just as he was about to grab the handle - BANG! BANG! BANG! He dropped to the ground. The 2 guards from before rushed over and dragged his limp body across the floor for everyone to see. This was horrible. I could feel hot tears running down my face. "Everyone, listen up!" One of the guards shouted, "This is what happens when you try to escape the Hunt! We will hunt you down!" All of the other police, FBI, and other agents in the room stood, if they weren't already, and saluted the 2 men in the middle. There goes plan B, I thought to myself.

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