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           The Motherly Feeling.

The flowers were on fire and it wasn't my fault. Technically the whole house was and it was my fault to an extent, but mainly my worry is about the flowers. My mother put her life into those bastards, and damn if I'm getting blamed for that too. She, herself was screaming in a corner, near the door, about how her "beautiful house was getting ruined". Two days ago we had been notified of a virus that would kill people and bring them back as a monster or something. Today just happened to be the day those bastards had finally had enough of our electric fence and took whatever pain came with scaling it and dropping into our yard. On fire. The electric currents in the fence fried their clothes and now, my house is caught between all these things. Those bastards slammed into walls, windows, and whatever they could to get in here, I think they smelled our blood but mother said that was a ridiculous thought.

Mother screamed even louder when one of those things came after her. Joshua, mothers' 'butler', grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards another room, leaving me standing there like an idiot. I ran out the front door and to the side yard; hopefully leaving behind the things that were after my house. Whatever was in there that they wanted, they could have it. I rounded the corner into the garden and spotted mother climbing down the fire escape with Joshua after her. She had let all the other employees go back to their families if they could. After the whole thing started, Joshua was the only one who stayed. He is a beautiful man; silver hair, always kept in a bun; his eyes a light blue, sometimes purple, and he was very pale. He has Alexandria's Genesis, or something like that. Joshua always wore a pastel purple suit, "To keep good aura's and happy attitudes" as mother had said. He is young when compared to my mother, and old compared to me, in between the both of us at Twenty-Seven.

My mother was an old hag, always drinking herbal tea, and doing that thing people do to stay young until they're like Sixty, then they suddenly look A hundred years old. She was beautiful, I'll give her that; auburn hair, natural blond highlights; hazel eyes rimmed in blue; cute button nose; perfect female body; everything. The only thing was the stress lines slightly creasing her eyes, and the wrinkles in her hands. She was constantly doing something with her hands, sowing, knitting, and gardening, anything to distract her. She kept incents infused with anti-depressants, and burned them constantly. She ranked in at the ripe old age of Thirty-Seven. She was twenty when she had me, my father loved her, but he died and she became the shell she is today. My father was a nice man, sparkling in freckles and bright smiles. He loved us with everything he had. He had fiery red hair, and bright green eyes. Dad never liked his looks but he was an extraordinary man. I get my looks from him, only my hair had blond in it. A rather odd look, auburn from a distance, but red with blond highlights. Same goes for my eyes. Green rimmed in hazel, but brown from afar.

However my mother felt at this moment she ignored it and made a break for the car. Joshua dove for the front seat, only pausing for me to get in. As soon as my door was shut we were off at possibly over ninety miles an hour. Joshua drove to a place he called a safe house. It took hours to get there, through deserted towns, mainly grass lands. Through the whole ride I sat back and thought about everything that had happened. First, I cried; the world was ending, what else was I going to do? Then I packed a bag, all of the important things, books, a couple pocket knives, sentiments, clothes; all the works. Next we packed the car with food, blankets, and camping gear. Joshua had predicted they'd get in eventually. Mom packed her things too. We had been set.

Joshua had pulled up to an abandoned house, parking the car neatly and getting out. He pulled out keys and opened the locked door.
"Welcome to my home, Mrs. Gerling, Young Gerling." Mother was appalled, the house was beautiful. More so than our own. Joshua led us to the basement door, and locked it tightly behind us. We walked through a corridor, into a safe area. Other people were there. A few adults, teens, and children sat around playing games and such. The house had electricity still, thankfully.

"Jishwa, I'm so glad you're home!" A taller guy hugged Joshua tightly. Both men laughed.
"Tyler." A smile spread across his face. "I missed you!" Tyler was taller than Joshua by a few inches, his hair shaggy, and a chocolate color, his eyes bright. I couldn't name a color to match his, but it was beautiful. Suddenly his eye were on mother and he stood up briskly, eyebrows cocked in confusion.

"Who...?" His question left unspoken by lips meeting his in a smile. Joshua stood back and introduced us.

"My boss and her child. Mrs. Gerling, and Young Gerling, these are my family members. Tyler, my husband; Lucy," A beautiful woman, silver dyed hair, green eyes, piercings. "Mark," A short guy, black hair, blue eyes, eye liner. "Jay," A small boy, blond hair, crystal green eyes. "Jeff," An older man, bald. "David," Another small boy with dark hair and brown eyes, "And Zillah." A guy? Short hair, in a Mohawk, and thick eyeliner rimming they're eyes. "These two are staying with us." Joshua motioned to us, before turning our way, "Please, Make yourselves at home." I nodded towards them all and sat on a stool. Zillah scooted over towards me, smiling.

"Man, I am so fucking pissed at Larry." Zillah smiled widely at me, holding out their hand. I smiled lightly.

"Oh shit, what did Larry do now?" I shook they're hand. They shrugged, still smiling. "Zillah, right?" They nodded. "I love your name."

"Thanks. Got it for my birthday. What's your tag?"

"Just call me Young Gerling."

"Young Gerling. You Ger. Yogurt. Your name is Yogurt." I smiled.

"I don't even like yogurt." They feigned hurt.

"Not even, strawberry yogurt." I feigned shock.

"I love strawberries." We smiled and they sat down.

Hours passed and we were still chatting. Strange looks were thrown at me from around the room, and my own mother even looked at me a bit. Joshua had come over to us for a little while to see how we were getting along. Eventually we were called to eat. They had a large room filled with all kinds of boxed and canned food. Stuff that would last. And tasted good. Cookies, and Chips, canned fruit, fruit chips, and other basic stuff, water, you know, the works. I noted Zillah didn't eat much, so I didn't either. Besides, nobody knew how long this would last.

We ate, and went back to playing fuck around. We did absolutely nothing for the next few hours, before Joshua and Tyler called bed time. The sun was gone and lights would draw attention. We didn't want strangers showing up and possibly turning on us. I mean Joshua's family was still suspicious of us.

Days became weeks and weeks became a month. We still had food, but would soon need more. Joshua and Tyler had pointed out we were only a few miles from a mall, where we'd be set up with stuff we'd need for almost a year. With just the few of us, it could go even longer. Jeff and David had made daily trips above the surface to scope the surroundings, and the dummies were just now getting to the manor. We had our best chance in front of us now. The cars in the garage still had gas, and we had plenty of weapons, to keep us safe. One by one we made our ways upstairs, and into the cars. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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