Meeting the old me

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Abbie.                     And.              Zack
He came up behind me before kissing me on the neck.His lips were soft,gentle and determined to make me turn my attention to him.Whilst enjoying every second of it,I ignored him and kept talking to Alice.She was my best friend and she knew everything about me,like I did for her.By this point we had stopped talking and I turnt to my amazingly hot/georgous boyfriend.If I do say so myself.I picked his head up off my shoulder and looked him in the face.As soon as his eyes met mine we placed are mouth together moving them in sync with each other.It was amazing.I was suddenly brought back to the real world when all I could hear was  a 'ooooooooooooooo' from my classmates around me.We were in biology which I was crap at but luckily my partner in crime was excellent at biology,so he helped me in more than one way.

Our teacher entered the room and told us all to sit in our places.Zack passed me my bag that was knocked on the floor when he placed me on the desk."Okay everyone,Good morning and I hope you had a good weekend,I also hope you brought in your homework for us to mark."Oh shit I forgot to do my homework and now I'm going to get a detention.As Mr Parsons walked around the class checking if we had our homework.When he got to mine and Zack's desk,he looked very disappointed in us.I went to make up an excuse but Zack beat me to it,"I'm so sorry sir me and Abbie were taken on a holiday over the weekend with our parents for there work and we were told we were coming back early hours on Sunday so we didn't take our homework."as he is saying all of this he is starting to make me blush because after every word he is squishing my hand harder and harder"Unfortunately we got back late hours on Sunday instead and we didn't have time to get it done."as he finishes he turns to me and nods as if trying to tell me to talk.

I couldn't speak. How could he come up with an excuse so quickly,maybe it's because he had had a lot of practice. Had he lied to ME before."He's telling the truth sir" is all I could manage to say."Okay you two are very lucky I am feeling very happy this morning so I will let you off the hook but don't get used to it"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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