Believe in something beautiful again

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The world is beyond corrupted.

The innocents are wronged and punished, whilst,

The guilty are cleared of all wrongdoings and rewarded.

People are broken beyond repair.

Some wish to commit suicide. Why?

Is your life filled with serious health risks?

Are you suffering from some disease that will kill you in a short time? No.

Yet you wish to die. So is that even a reason?

You say the Poor are the weak but you wrong.

The Poor are those who survive on what they have, even if its barely anything.

That's strength.

The rich are selfish beyond compare.

The only thing they care about are themselves.

Never sparing a glance at the needy to help, even if its a little.

So cold-hearted and impenetrable.

Humanity is gone.

We all see the world self-destructing but nobody seems to care.

Wasting away all of the resources we have just to satisfy wants instead of needs.

We have already killed the only shield we have from direct burning sunlight but it doesn't stop there.

We want more. And the more we want, the more we don't care.

That's not all, we are all selfish together but differentiate among each other.

Racism is only an example of the differences we have all created for ourselves.

You hate someone based on their colour, what a shame.

Aren't you of some colour too then why hate them that aren't your race?

Our different colours doesn't make us disease ridden you know.

We are all the same, in personality, mind, judgment, speech and lifestyle.

Then why differentiate just because we don't have the same color of skin?

On the inside we are all the same.

We all feel what each other feels so why feel hatred for one another when we know we are equals?

You all only know to judge.

Only Status seems to matter.

Who are you to judge anyone when you can't even judge yourself?

Exactly. So stop the labels.

We're all out of touch, out of mind.

We don't form a rainbow in the sky after a storm anymore.

Instead we carry on with our wicked ways and destroy more along our paths.

Nobody seems to fear death anymore.

Some don't even mind if they end up in Hell.

What do you know about the Ultimate Punishment?

You are alive for now, but you haven't seen death as yet.

You can save yourself now but you choose to wander into the Dark more.

Doesn't anybody stop to think what God is saying and thinking about us all?

His judgement is what really matters.

We all use to care and be devoted but now we seem to have lost his touch.

When will we all see the Light again and change our ways?

Poeple you need to make up your minds for what's really at stake.

Some people are good, some are bad and some are confused.

You say your life is complicated but its only that way because of you.

You're the one making it so.

Life is simple, its only ever hard or easy.

All you have to do is make the right choices for you.

We can all change, we just need the right strategy.

Change yourself first before you attempt to change the world around you.

The world can be a peaceful place once again.

We all just need to Believe in something beautiful again.


Believe in something beautiful againWhere stories live. Discover now