Chapter 5

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The next day we had to head home, unfortunately. But I had such an amazing time, it was a night I knew I would never forget. 

When we got home, he dropped me off and I ran into my house and right up the stairs to tell Lauren about my amazing weekend getaway. When I got up to her room she was laying on her bed with her laptop in hand checking her facebook statuses and what not. I pretty much glomped her (If you don't know what glomped means, it's pretty much a tackle hug.) I was so happy to see her;

"OH MY GOSH KEELY!!!!" She screamed as she tried to squirm her way out of my grasp. I couldn't help but laugh at her and her reaction to me not only being back but me hugging her like I wouldn't ever let go.

"Lauren, I had the most amazing time! I have to tell you all about it." I squeezed her tighter, she gave out a gasp like she couldn't breathe and spoke,

"Can you let go of me first so I can breathe?" I laughed and let her go. She took in a deep breath as if I had suffocated her, she then gave me 'the look', I was still laughing because it's so funny when she tries to look mad. "So... how was the trip?" She asked after a couple seconds of the glare she was giving me. I took in a deep breath and began to speak,

"Oh my gosh, it was amazing. He took me to this private beach cabin that his parents own and we went everywhere around this island." I told her about the amusement park and the shopping and the dinner. "And the night before we left we had a romantic time around the fire pit on his back patio. It was so great, I'd have to say one of the best trips I've ever been on." I smiled and fell back onto Lauren's lap as if I was day dreaming.

"AWWWW.... I'm glad you had so much fun Keely. Speaking of trips, are you hungry? We need to take a trip to the grocery store and when we get back I can make you your favorite, chicken adoboe and pansit." I nodded, dropped my stuff off in my room, and waited downstairs for her at the door. When she got downstairs we headed out and got some groceries and on the way back we got Bella's Ice Cream, which is some of the most delicious ice cream ever, I got cake batter my favorite flavor of all time. When we got back she cooked me my favorite meal and we stayed up and talked the entire night. I love having a best friend you can always find something to talk about with, Lauren was the greatest ever.

The rest of the week was spent with Alex taking me out on amazing dates, I remember my favorite one of that week, Alex took me out to this amazing dinner and then we went for a romantic star lit stroll through this woodsy park near my house, we went to the middle of the park where this huge field is with this warm blanket and some hot cocoa and we watched the stars as the twinkled in the star high above us. He was the sweetest guy ever and knew exactly what I wanted to do, and even how to cheer me up when I was feeling down. One night as we were driving along the song 'Just a Kiss' (by Lady Antebellum) came on the radio and we both smiled as we sang it as a duet, it was the perfect song for us, we both agreed, so from then on that was our song and every time it came on as we were driving we would sing it knowing that, that was the song that would always remind each other us. It was so wonderful having this man that I loved and treasured all to myself.

After the week was over, we had to go back to school and it was back to just seeing Alex at nights and the days we didn't have to work or go to school. But, I was okay with it as long as I still got to see him. The rest of the year went by the same way, we would see each other the same way at school and on the breaks we would go on these amazing getaways. He even took me to meet his parents during Christmas break and he came and met mine during Spring break. It was an amazing year and I some how managed to pass all of my exams and move up to my next classes. Our relationship was going great and everything was working out wonderfully.

Then, this night came and Alex picked me up as usual, but instead of that smile that I loved so much there was a sadness in his face. It was so unusual because he was never sad, not even if he felt it. We parked up at the beach and went to the sand to sit down on our blanket to watch the moon. I touched his hand and kissed him on the cheek and asked softly,

"Alex, what's wrong?" He looked at me and gave me a slight smile but it looked painful.

"How'd you guess something was wrong?" He asked in a quivering voice. I looked back into his eyes and I could see tears forming.

"Because, I know you and I can see the pain in your eyes and see it in your smile." I let the corners of my mouth make a small but soft smile. "Tell me."

"Okay... well, I got some terrible news today... You remember Ian right?" I nodded Ian's been his best friend since they were little kids. "Well, you know he joined the marines, and how he was shipped to Afghanistan?" I nodded again and I knew that this conversation wasn't going in a pleasant direction. "His mom called me today," Tears were pouring from his eyes now and I was on the verge of crying myself. "His battalion was driving to the next city over and an IED went off and hit them... and..." He sobbed but managed to get out the last words before breaking down and crying in my lap. "Ian didn't make it..." I didn't know it until I tasted the salty water but tears were streaming down my face too. Ian was so nice and was great to Alex and me every time he saw us. He had joined the marines not too long ago and as soon as he was finished with his boot camp and training he was shipped off. Alex and I used to write him and send him care packages filled with his favorite things. He would send us letters and pictures back and Alex and I would read them together and laugh because Ian would joke a lot, even if it was just telling us how devilishly hot it was over there. He was just a great guy and I just coudn't believe he was gone... Just like that, there one second and gone the next. 

"I... I'm so sorry Alex..." I stuttered as stroked his hair and tried to comfort him, it didn't help that I was crying as well. We sat there for what seemed like forever, I just kept trying to comfort him, and kept telling him everything was going to be alright. I was going to miss Ian and I knew that Alex was going to miss him even more...

'Til We Meet Againحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن