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My name is Ashlyn and I'm...average. At age seventeen and going through all of school without anything completely horrible or spectacular happening to you you realize that you're nothing special.

Now don't get me wrong. I don't hate myself. By nothing special I mean I know I'm not going to go off and win a Nobel Prize in the future or become part of a famous band and travel around the world. I'm just Ashlyn Marie Reeves, described by my friends as the quiet one who writes everything down.

That's really all I'm good at writing. I'm good with words just not with letting people read them. That changed over the summer. I started getting some of my stuff published in magazines. It really boosted my confidence in my writing.

I'm going in my senior year of high school now. It's not that bad I'm actually really excited because the seniors have all these exclusive clubs, well the lower class men have them too but they're all stuck together. But back to our clubs, there is a writing club. From what I've heard in years before the teacher who runs it is very selective about its members and if she wants you in it you get an invitation in your book bag. I've been hoping I'd get one but so far no luck.

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