Chapter 7- Relaxing?

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By the way, the picture on the side has nothing to do with the chapter I just liked it :3

Chapter 7


“You shouldn’t have done it you know.” Asher said. He was lazily leaning back into the hefty mound of furs, a blanket secured around his waist and across his shoulders. I turned around and glared at him.

“Fucking give me a lecture today, Asher. I swear to God.” I sighed.

“He wouldn’t have to give you a lecture if you weren’t such an attention seeker.” Dallas spoke up.

“I am not an attention seeker! Just because I wanted to see what was going on in my own god damn pack does not mean I’m an attention seeker.”

It was true. Kind of. I don’t really know what I would have done if a wolf stumbled upon me at the cave but oh well, It was worth it in the end because as of now, I will be boarding at the Dallas and Asher residence of dead animals and stone walls. Equipped with an all you can eat dead carcass in the main hall. You see, my dear ‘father’ thought that since I’m just dying to be involved in pack life why not live in it?

Personally, I think it’s a fabulous idea.

“But seriously though, what did you think was going to happen? That you could just waltz into a council meeting and be all like, “Sup’ bitches, I want to know what’s for dinner tomorrow-” Dallas cocked his head to the side.

“Why would I even care about what’s for dinner tomorrow.” I retorted trying to do my best Dallas impression. You can only imagine how much I was failing right now.

“That’s the only shit we ever talk about. Who brought in what hunt, how the mates are going and all that crap.”

“But this wasn’t a regular pack meeting.” I said. Dallas straightened up (well for a gay guy anyway) and gave me a warning glare.

“What’s wrong?” My eyes flickered to Asher who was eyeing Dallas suspiciously. They don’t know?

“Let me fill you in, Ash. You see a deer has been chasing all the mountain lions away. All the macho men-wolves are trying to figure out why. I tell you it was worth getting a beating off my Dad with a sweeping brush, I tell you that.” Asher remained silent.

“First off, tell Tiberius he’s a legend and secondly the thing that’s chasing the ‘mountain lions’ away is a lot more serious than a couple dears. Maybe if you actually listened and not stared at the Beta the entire time.”

“Wow someone’s acting like an asshole today. I thought we were friends, if not, then I never would have gave you that blow job.” I sighed dramatically. Asher let out a shocked cry and moved away from Dallas like he was the black plague. Sweet Dallas, don’t bite off more than you can chew. I don’t even know if that saying really suits the situation but it seems about right.

“That was years ago!” Dallas shot to his feet.

“Two years ago actually.”

“You said you wouldn’t say anything! We were drunk.”

“You were drunk. I, on the other hand, was fourteen and drunk on innocence… well. Don’t you worry your cute butt I told Asher weeks ago.”

“So this didn’t happen recently?” Asher stood up and approached Dallas.

“I can’t really remember. It’s hard to remember most of the sucky suckys I’ve given over the years.” I’ve actually only given a few. One of them was Dallas and the rest were mostly weirdos forcing their cocks down my throat. But I’m not going to let them know that. I zoned out for the rest of the conversation, not really bothered anymore.

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