Was it all a Dream? #6 (Rewritten)

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Slowly the world faded in, you stood in a hallway, it looked mostly empty except the young blonde boy standing beside you. You couldn't see his face. Suddenly you're walking, the boy beside you talks but it's muffled as if you were underwater. Soon you both stop at a door and the boy turns his head towards you, saying a few more words before he pushed the door open. Once it had, whatever had been blocking your senses disappeared and you were greeted by the familiar faces of your fellow sins.

"-so, what do you say (Y/N)?" Meliodas turned to you once again.

"Sorry what?" You glance at him with confusion crossing your face.

"I asked if you wanted to join us." He smiles at you as the world around you froze before it faded out.

Soon another picture faded in. You stood in front of a training dummy, a practice sword in your hand. From the corner of your vision, you see a flash of pink causing you to stop and look around.

"Who's there?" You glared into the bushes. Slowly a boy with pink hair emerged from them. "Who are you?" the question leaves your lips as you rest the tip of your sword on the stone below you.

"I'm Gilthunder, son of Zaratras," he held a practice sword in one of his hands as he looked up at you pleadingly.

"What is it that I can do for you?" Raising an eyebrow as you stared down at him with an unamused expression.

"I... I want you to train me!" His sudden statement made you flinch back slightly.

"Sorry kid, I'm not much of a teacher you'll have to find someone else" you turn to walk away only to feel him latch onto your leg.

"Please! I promise I'll follow everything you say!" He pleads as you stare down at him, meeting his pleading gaze.

Letting out a quiet sigh you shake your heading in a dismissive manner, "Fine," He smiles up at you and it freezes again before fading out.

Blinking softly another scene fades in. A sunset stretched out along the horizon in front of you.

"So, why'd you ask me to come out here?" Turning your head, you meet Gilthunder's confused gaze, his features far more mature than when you had first met him.

You smile at him as you ruffle his pink locks, a smile crossing your face, "I wanted to spend some time with my favorite student."

Gilthunder pushed your hand away, "I'm your only student!" The both of you chuckled for a few moments before you both quieted down. "You know you didn't need to drag me out this late, I'll see you at training tomorrow."

"R-right... Isn't the sunset pretty?" You quickly changed the subject, avoiding the topic of tomorrow altogether.

"Is something going on (Y/N)?" Glancing over, you notice his worried gaze.

"Wha- No! Everything's fine..." You stumble over your words before pausing for a moment, sighing you turn your gaze back to the sunset. "Gilthunder can you promise me something?"

"Of course, what is it?" He stares at you confused, though you don't turn your head to meet his gaze.

"Don't give up on that fire inside of you, you'll do great things one day." You kept your gaze on the sunset, scared that if you looked at him you might have broken out in tears. You remembered this day clearly, it was the last day you had before Merlin sealed you away. That day you had spent time with each of your fellow sins, acting as though it was just another day but when it came to Gilthunder you knew he would see right through you.

"Stop talking like something's going to happen to you, you'll be here to see it happen!" Gilthunder called to you.Holding his smaller form in your arms you let out a tear.

"I'm sorry."

The memory faded out, but in a flash, it was replaced with your most recent meeting with Gilthunder.

The fight.

His hateful gaze.

Your injury.

Quickly you woke up, your breathing was raged as you sat up in shock. Glancing around you were met with an unfamiliar room, and though your throbbing shoulder protested you pulled yourself off the bed. Slowly you hobble over to the door as you open it the sound of very familiar voices could be heard. Slowly you made your way towards it, pushing open another door you were met with the familiar faces of Meliodas, Elizabeth, Diane, and Hawk.

"Lady (Y/N) You're awake!" Elizabeth cries out bringing everyone's attention to you. Meliodas and Diane looked at you worryingly before smiling once you had made eye contact with them.

"So, what did I miss?" You question as you look around at the unfamiliar surroundings and people.

"Well~" A familiar deep voice sounded from behind you. Sighing you turn around to meet Ban's gaze.

"Oh, Hello Ban" You greeted him, your face holding a small smile.

"Aw, did you miss me?~" He leaned forward to get in your face, a shiteating grin crossing his features.

Bringing your hand up you push his face away from your's before turning away from him, "You wish" You snapped back at him before walking over to Elizabeth and Diane. As you approached Diane and Elizabeth were chuckling causing you to raise an eyebrow at the two, "What are you two laughing about over here?"

It took a few moments for Diane to finally calm down and looked over at you, "I made a comment about how you and Ban always act like an old married couple."

Frowning you walked away from them and back towards the door you came from, "Wake me up when we're leaving."

Carry On (Various x reader)Where stories live. Discover now