disclaimer and prologue

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"Davis, Abrielle" McGonagall called and every head in Hogwarts turned the Davis's were very popular pure bloods who had been veela's all through their family yet Abrielle is the only witch in that line, though Abrielle Davis was different and unique and she liked it until everyone stared at her like meat well except girls but some did. Abrielle was not cut out to be like this she would pay not to be this price of meat for boys.

Her dark brown hair with red highlights in it looked different than other people's hair but that was obvious seeings as she was a metamorphmagus and a veela as much as she wanted to change it she knew it can't be changed so she moved on with her life.

As Abrielle walked up to the hat she was scared what if she was in gryffindor I mean everyone from gryffindor were arrogant jerks who only cared about themselves other than Dumbledore now he was great and no one would convince Abrielle otherwise.

now now I didn't know there was a whole line of pure blooded veela's and a metamorphmagus well I see you do not want gryffindor well why I see you would do very well in gryffindor now would you just choose I leave it up to you my child just remember one thing Abrielle sometimes we all want something different we all want to be our own unique and my child you have that power use your talents.....

" Slytherin " The hat yelled and Abrielle carefully walked to the Slytherin table everyone was yelling and shouting because they had the veela they had Abrielle Davis

So new story hope you all like it and she won't meet Percy until later and she thinks all gryffindors are arrogant and jerks and yes I know I just bashed gryffindor but I love gryffindor so no harm done right?

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