Chapter 7

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💙💙Jane's POV 💙💙
As we are walking here in the sea side , I can smell the ocean breeze going our way. I chose to hide here in Busan because there are many tourist here so if they find out I'm here and came out looking for me then I may be cloaked by the crowds here.

It also has a calming environment and clean air not like in Seoul where the city is almost covered in smog.( Smog: polluted air that forms a cloud like mist above the city.)

Kaicebby also told me that he also likes Busan but never went out because of the fans that once followed them to their hotel. I can feel Kaicebby's excitement like a child brought to a play ground or something. I find it unreasonable that such a famous star can't even go to the beach when he has lotsa money. So I asked him.

" Kaicebby lemme ask you something. Can I?"

"Of course. What is it?"

"I've been wondering recently, I know you can't go out much because of the fans right? But why do I feel its also got something about your company noh?

I just feel that you've been avoiding questions about your company so maybe they're the reason you felt like you've never been free. Is that it?"

"Ahahaha I didn't know you could also read minds. But yeah you guessed it right. I've always been with my members and they said we can't feel complete if we don't stick to each other. That we are useless without the other members. I feel like because of my other members that's how we Became famous but no they don't find it different at all. So I tried to distance myself from them. "

" Oh so its like the company is somewhat belittling you lot. "


"Dont worry i know you're not the same as those people. I know youre different. "

"Why do say so?"

"I just know."

👨👨Kai's POV👨👨

Dug dug dug.

please stop!
Shut it!

Fine I admit I felt happy when she said that...

Maybe a bit more than happy...

I think?


Short update! Revised though!

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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