Chapter 3

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Currently googling ways I can quickly but painlessly put an end to my existence.

Since yesterday, my mother has been calling me non stop about birthday preparations every hour or so. It was my birthday today for christsake, and I was going crazy, I couldn't sit down and finish tasks that took more than an hour.

Every. Fucking. Hour.

" Que désirez-vous," my mother would start all her questions out in such a manner, and my response would only be; I don't care with a slight shrug of my shoulders, although she couldn't see me. If she did, she'd probably scold me like a child, in which I am not. Its just the fact that she's all about respect, order, and very tight organization. To put it in fewer words, she is a control freak.

She wanted to control my birthday party because that was the only thing I gave her control over every once in a while. My mother even wanted to find me a new boyfriend when I arrived here, I let her set me up with a few guys but it got out of hand when the last guy she set me up with didn't know the meaning of no. So now, all she did have a say over was icing flavors and party venues.

"Miss smith, your mot-" Jamie started but he quickly got the message when I pressed the end button on my intercom. A satisfied smile graced my lips as I pushed my head on my desk, my head was pounding and my mother's periodic calls weren't helping. On top of that, I still had much work to do and I had to schedule my next meeting with my manager, since it was that time of the year for me to start popping in on magazines. It was good for business, besides that it felt good to be in front of the camera from time to time.

"Sequoia Amelia Smith"


The voice had been loud, coming from behind my office door. Before I knew it, my mother had opened the door and marched in causing me to shrink into my chair muttering one word, help. Her faded hair happened to be pulled into a tight bun, her brown skin glowing youthfully, and her green eyes that were similar to mine shined with determination. It was safe to say that I was in trouble, I just had to brace myself for it.

"Hey ma-"

"Don't you dare, 'hey mama' me. '' she snaps dramatically, causing me to close my mouth instantly. My mother walks around my desk and stares at me expectantly. "Do you know how many times I've called you? You don't answer, I could've been in a ditch dead!"

I quickly open my mouth to speak before she could cut me off, "Ma, I was busy -" but even my fast attempt couldn't match hers.

"Busy my ass! I'm your mother, you should automatically pick up. "

Not when you're hounding me about champagne choices and décor.

Instead of voicing my opinion, I did the smartest thing any child could do; nod quietly. I let her rant, and fuss at me because I couldn't bring myself to talk back to my mother. That showed disrespect, and of course I didn't want to do that intentionally. Although I was an adult, old enough to speak my mind, I chose not to. "I'm sorry mom, I really was occupied. My company snagged an opportunity with vogue and I was making sure that my photographers were doing their jobs."

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