Out in the Open

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My name is Juniper Carlisle, I'm 18 years old and have been home schooled for pretty much my entire life. I lived as an only child, and pretty much had only myself to keep me company. Today, I enter the real world at Blackwell Academy.

On my first day, I met a girl named Max Caulfield...

When I enter the classroom, the atmosphere transforms. It turns into something, I thought to be unimaginable. The thoughts in everyone's head swirl and permeate the room in such consistency, that silence was practically inescapable. In that instant, a rush of fever came in waves, disrupting my entire state of being. The thoughts, started to roll in. One by one.

"Ah," a tall teacher dressed in a black suit, quite hip-ish, greeted, "If it isn't our new transfer student?" he says, as his foot steps lead him back and forth across the floor. "Would you care, if you were to be so kind, to introduce yourself to the class?"

I brace my notebook closer to my chest. "Sure, i would be glad to." I smile, well at least I try. "My name is Juniper-

"Juniper Carlisle, a brilliant young girl. She was homeschooled for, well, most of her life until Blackwell. She has a high GPA in college courses, pretty well rounded, and has taken pleasure in taking this Photography course today." he turned. "Isn't that so?"

"Well..." I almost wanted to vomit. Does he usually act this enthusiastically with his students?

He faces away from me, then looks over the others in the room. "You're seated next to Max, over in the far center." he continues. "I would assume that someone like you would want to be accompanied with a senior in this talent."

That was quick. With an introduction like that, I'm sure to be made the laughing stock. Or, if I'm lucky, in high regards with the others. As I walk over to the back of the class I hear giggles behind me, and the thoughts start to pile up after taking my seat and wallowing in embarrassment.

"What a loser." someone whispered.

Great, looks like it was the first option. I place my periwinkle notebook on the desk, and let out a sigh.

"Hey, don't worry. Soon you'll be rubbing shoulders with a group of your own." The girl who sat next to me spoke so casually. I examined her retro style of clothing, and the oddities on her desk. She had a nice gentle grin, light eyes, and brown hair. "Hopefully."

"Yeah, thanks for that. Max is it?"

"The one and only. And, the guy who just pretty much ruined your first day, is Mr. Jefferson. He's like that to everyone at this school, that's just how much he shows he cares." Sarcasm too? Maybe Blackwell won't be so bad after all.


"Wow, the Daguerrian process. How'd you guess that so easily, Max?"

"Let's just say, that I have a gift"

"No need to be modest."

"Sarcasm? Nice."

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