The Capital

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Chapter 1: The Capital

"So much noise," thought a girl peering down from a rooftop, "Even in the middle of the night, the Capital's Main Street is so busy, but I can't get side tracked. I have a job to do..."

The girl, cloaked in black, continued to look through the crowd, until she spotted someone. A boy cloaked in white, he carried himself as if he didn't want to be seen. Then came behind a large man.

"Wait, I recognized that man, he's the one known as General Ogre," the girl thought, "So what I heard was true, Ogre is here. So does that mean that boy is Night Raid?"

The boy then lead Ogre out of Main Street and into a dark deserted alleyway. The girl was perched near one of the rooftops by them, but wasn't close enough to be seen.

"Alright, start talking, I want to get home," said General Ogre.

"Of course," said the boy, then he immediately bowed at Ogre's feet, "Please sir! I beg you to let me join the Imperial Guard! I have to earn money to send to my family in the country!"

"Ugh! I should have known it was something like that," sighed Ogre as he turned around to leave, "Follow the procedures like everyone else, Jackass."

"I tried," said the boy in a threatening tone, as he reached for a weapon underneath his cloak, "But they wouldn't even take my application."

"That's not my problem," said Ogre sensing the shiftiness of his voice and reaching for his sword, It's not my fault you're a puny little weakling!"

Before Ogre could even draw his sword, the boy had already sliced him in the ribs. Ogre then fell to the ground.

"That boy," the girl thought, "He attacked without hesitation or remorse, just like an assassin...He must be from Night Raid."

"Just like that!" smiled the boy as he removed his hood. The boy had green eyes and medium length brown hair with a cowlick that falls with its weight, "Oh that's right I'd better get back to base now."

Just then Ogre stood up and tried to slash the boy with his sword, but the boy quickly blocked the blow with his sword. Ogre's blow was so hard that the boy was push back.

"Did you really think you could slay the mighty Ogre?!" yelled out Ogre as he continued to attack the boy, "A pathetic little snot nosed brat like you?!" The boy was able to block Ogre's strikes until one of the blows sent him flying into a wall. "Alright let me guess, you're one of those Night Raid punks that goes around killing those in power, right? The weak can squeal all they want, but the strong will always rule in this empire boy! Who you deem worthy means nothing! I judge the fate of the people!"

The boy then leapt into the air to strike, "I won't let you kill anyone else!"

Ogre easily defended the boy's strike, pushing the boy back down. As the boy struggles against Ogre, the Captain asks, "On whose orders have you come to me boy? The fiancé of the little worm I just had executed?"

The boy's facial expression turned into rage from Ogre question.

"Guess I was right," smirked Ogre, "I told myself I should have knock off that wench while I had the chance. Well, I still could if I really wanted to. First thing I'll do is chase that bitch down. I'll find everyone she knows, bring em up on charges, and take my time torturing them to death while she watches. But not until I kill you first!"

In a split second the boy had shot upward and cut off Ogre's arms. Then the boy sliced Ogre across the chest on his descent. Ogre then collapsed to the ground, dead. Seeing his work was done, the boy sheathed his weapon and began to walk away.

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