Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

I pulled out my notebook and began writing the agenda for tomorrow. There was a small knock on the door and I opened it up. "Come in Cadet." I said. Uhura closed the door behind her. She did not say anything. Spock came in just moments after her. We all sat in the office. "Let's speak on a non-professional level. Explain your attitude towards me." I said. Uhura broke out into tears.

"I feel like an idiot and I just want him back." I sank back into my seat. I looked over to Spock he was staring at Uhura the way he was staring at me last night, with emotion. I stood up.

"You know what I know this is childish for me to say but have him. It is obvious that you both still love each other. I knew it was stupid to get involved with someone I work with. I thought maybe. Just maybe we could be perfect for each other. I guess this just what was destined to happen." I said walking to the door. Uhura jumped up wrapping her arms around him and he wrapped his arms around her. I grabbed my bag off of the counter putting my computer into it. I looked back before leaving the room. Uhura was looking at me with a smug look on her face. That look a toddler gives you when then won at a game. I slammed the door behind me I began to walk towards the recreation deck. The walk that is two minutes away from my room felt like hours. I tried to stop thinking but it didn’t work. Of course this would happen to me. Falling in love with someone who works with me is always going to end badly. I sat on the grass underneath a tree and leaned up against the truck. I pulled out my computer and began writing notes for tomorrow. I couldn’t keep my mind on my work. As I went to put my computer back into my bag a transmission came through. I answered and it was a cadet from my class today.

“Hello?” I said in a questioning tone.

“Really sis? You can’t even remember who your own sister is.” The girl laughed.

“Melanie?” I asked.

“The one and the only.” She laughed.

“I haven’t seen you in years! I can’t believe you are sixteen!” I said excitedly.

“Four years to be exact. I remember you sent your application in the second you turned sixteen. You could not wait to get from Mum and Dad. They have been getting better. Dad is less abusive and Mum and I have moved out.” She said

 “Yeah. That’s good to hear.” I said.

“I’ve got to go; it looks like someone is here to see you.” She said and the transmission ended. I looked over my shoulder and Cadet Kirk was there.

“Hello Cadet. What can I do for you?” I asked standing up. I was no long in the uncomfortable dress uniform I was wearing my standard issue uniform.

“Well, you seem lonely.” He said with a cheesy smile on his face.

“Well I am not!” I snapped. His cheesy smile dropped and he stood back. “I’m sorry cadet. I did not mean to seem rude. I was just heading to the food court. Care to join me?” I asked

 “Sure!” he said smiling again. We walked slowly to the food court.

“Why did you join Starfleet sir?” he asked me.

“Well, it was the only way to leave my home.” I said trying to not share too much of my personal life. Kirk stopped with that question not digging trying to find reasoning.

“Why did you join? And why so late? You are the same age as me. You could have joined four years ago and have become an officer by now.” I said.

“Well, I never really wanted to, I didn’t want to live up to the expectations that everyone set because of my dad. The only reason I joined was because in the bar I was beat up by a couple of second year cadets and Captain Pike came in and stopped them. When he talked to me he made me realize how awesome Starfleet is and what my dad did.” He said.

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