10. Awoken secrets

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I finished eating as much as I could to gain energy.
Funny enough I didn't feel that weak anymore. It was like healing me for weeks did me some good.
I walked through the house to find someone, when I heard familiar voices.

''I figured you could use our help finding Korra'' That was Lin's voice. I walked closer to Tenzin's office.
''Do you have any leads?'' And Mako that means Bolin must be in there too.
''I've been on the phone all morning, but nothing yet.'' I walked closer to the entrance, to listen in on their conversation.

''We need Naga! She can track Korra!'' Mako said. He really seemed worried about Korra.
''I'm afraid the polar bear dog is missing as well.'' That was good news.
She was probably already tracking Korra down.
''Then where do we start?'' I heard Bolin said. I couldn't stand it anymore, I needed to see them all and help them find Korra.

I slowly walked in. ''Maybe I can help?'' they all turned around and looked at me with surprised faces, just like my mother had earlier.
''Yo-you're awake?'' Tenzin asked, like he didn't believe it.
''I missed you too Tenzin.'' I said with a smile.

''You're awake!'' Bolin yelled and gave me the biggest hug ever.
I laughed and looked at all of them.
''How are you feeling?'' Mako asked, actually worried.

''That's not important right now. We need to find Korra.'' I said even more determined than I already was, if that was possible. I pushed all feelings away of collapsing or feeling any weakness in my body. I didn't have time for it. Now when my friend was in danger. 
''She's right, we can chit chat latter. My guess is that the Equalists are hiding underground, in the maze of tunnels beneath the city.'' Lin said.

''Underground ... just like my father's secret factory. Figures.'' I looked at the sad Asami with a confused look.
''Wait what?'' She looked at me.
''I'll tell you later.'' I nodded.

''Yeah! Yeah, that makes sense! When those chi blockers had me in their truck, it sounded like we drove into a tunnel!'' He said with a lot of hope in his voice. I had missed his energy and hopeful voice.

''I know where to start looking! Come on!'' Mako said, and we followed him outside.


We found a big tunnel, and Lin metalbended us in.
''Let's try this way.'' Mako said firebending, so we could see where we were going.
''And what if Korra's not down there?'' Asami asked.
''Then we pick another tunnel until we find her'' Mako said, in a cold manner.
Oh, the tension.

I looked at Asami and saw her saddened look.
On the way there she had told me about her dad and everything that had happened to them all.
I felt bad for her, so I walked closely to her, making sure she didn't feel alone.

''Hey, is Mako alright? He seems really worried about Korra.'' Asmai said, looking at me and Bolin as we walked through the tunnels.
''Yeah, we all are!'' I agreed with Bolin on this one.

''I know, but, he's your brother. Do you think that he likes Korra as more than just a friend?'' I coughed awkwardly when she asked that question. She certainly wasn't a fool.
''W-What? No! That's, just gossip, where'd you hear that? Crazy talk is coming out of your mouth right now. Heh...'' He said in a slightly high-pitched voice chuckling nervously. I face palmed.
Smooth Bolin, smooth.

She placed her hand on his shoulder and asked in a demanding tone. ''What do you know, Bolin? Come on, spill it.''
''Nothing! I mean, there was this one time during the tournament when Mako and Korra kissed, but-'' I looked at Bolin with a ''really?'' look, but he didn't seem to catch it.

''They ... kissed?'' Asami looked at Mako in shock.
''Believe me, I was upset too, but, I'm over it. I don't think it meant anything.'' Bolin said, trying to cheer her up. I wouldn't be so sure about that.
''I doubt that.'' she said in an upset tone.
Way to go team avatar.

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