Chapter Seven

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            The White Princess sits in the basement of a coffee shop and sips her chocca-mocca coffee slurry with a straw. The caffeine and sugar are bringing her round after her faint and a new pearl slipper has appeared to replace the lost one on her delicate foot.

            Mr Wolf looks at her and sips his coffee; he is surprised by how protective he is feeling about her. After being contemptuous of her naive and ineffectual nature when they first met he was actually quite impressed by her explosion of passion in LIFE.

            The wolf looks at her carefully and notes with pleasure the fine lines of her cheekbones and her flawless, pale complexion.

            ‘How are you feeling?’ he asks quietly.

Her colourful eyes flick up from the straw and she sees the dark wolf face with its brown eyes looking at her intently.

            She makes an effort to smile but it doesn’t work and her head sinks back down, ‘Urgh,’ is all she manages to say and then takes another slurp of sugary slurry.

            Mr Wolf tries to get them back on track with their quest.

            ‘Well I did find something useful about the Raven’s plan.’

She looks up at him expectantly.

‘At least I think I did. When you were rampaging around I found some metal canisters under one of the tables you overturned, I don’t know what was in them but there was a label saying Ministry of Happiness Research Establishment 6.’

‘Uh huh,’ she says through the straw before finally taking it out of her mouth and sounding more like her normal polite self, ‘Oh yes and what is that?’

‘Good question, I don’t know. Let’s do a search on the DumFone and see.’

‘Oh yes,’ she says and pulls the phone out of her hair where she stashed it.

Mr Wolf types into a search engine and then reads out the findings, ‘Ministry of Happiness Research Establishment 6 is a research plant located on the Isle of Dogs.’

‘Where’s that?’ she asks.

‘It’s an island in the Thames, out east down the river beyond the docks.’

‘Right well we had better get out there then hadn’t we?’ she pulls the dandelion clock out of her hair again, ‘It’s nearly half gone, Mr Wolf!’

‘Right,’ he swigs his coffee down, ‘Let’s go!’

They hurry out of the café and walk south a few streets towards Liverpool Street Underground station.

Mr Wolf and the White PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now