Chapter One

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It was just another boring Monday, or so I thought. I walk down the stairs quickly with a strong feeling of hunger in the pit of my stomach. When I enter the kitchen I can smell the sweet aroma of my O+ getting warmer in the microwave. I smiled, oh my mother knows me well. "Ash, where in the world are you? Your breakfast is almost done!" I sighed," I'm in the kitchen!" Crossing the room to the microwave as it slowly comes to a stop, and beeps loudly. I open the door and grab my warm "cup o' blood" as my dad calls it. I smiled showing my exposed fangs, and slowly I down the cup.

"So are you ready for your first day of school, pumpkin?" my mother asked walking around the island. "Yes, mother, and I have extra blood bags and sun block, so don't worry, alright?" She sighed," Okay honey, it's just you are growing up so fast!" I hugged and kissed my mom," Don't worry, I will always be your baby girl." Smiled and nodded her, knowing that if she speaks she'd cry. "Love you mom, but I don't want to be late for my first day of high school. So I'll see you later, love ya bye." I said kissing her cheek and walking to grab my back pack and my keys.

I walked out the front door and unlocked my shinny red 2005 mustang GT convertible, and got in. Once I heard the engine start, I backed up and headed to New London High. As soon I pull in I pull in the first spot, and get out of the car. Locking the doors, I head for the front office to get my classes and locker number. But of course me being Lil Miss. Graceful I walk into a really cute guy with dark blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention!" He laughed," It's okay, don't worry about it. I'm Bradyn, by the way." He put out his hand and helped me up. "Thanks, and I'm Ash." He sighed a sigh of relief," Oh hey, I was told to find you. I'm your "Welcome to the school" buddy. Oh by the way I got your schedule and locker number for you." Oh, cutie gets to show me around the school, that thought made me blush a little. I smiled," Okay, and thanks."

"So follow me to Mrs. Web's class!" he said striking a heroic pose causing me to giggle a little bit. I kinda like him," So do we have any classes together?" He smiled," Yes, we do actually! We have first, third, and forth." I looked at my class schedule, and he was right . We have Science for first block, Geometry for third block, and Art for forth block. "And...this is Mrs. Web's class, give this note to her...and hey, you can sit with me..if you want to of course." I smiled he's so adorable when he gets nervous. I took the note up to Mrs. Web, and said," Hello, excuse me, Mrs. Web, I'm Ash. Bradyn told me I had to give this to you." I handed her the paper, and she smiled politely," Well hello, welcome to class Mrs. Ash." Then she started digging through her desk drawers, and pulled out a pen. And signed my note proving I didn't skip class, I guess, and handed it back to me. Turning around, I made my way to the back of the class to where Bradyn was sitting alone, and sat in the empty chair next to him.

Then all of a sudden there was a sharp pain in my lip, so I ran my tongue across the bottom of my top teeth. It was just as I expected, my fangs popped out, so I grabbed a "juice pouch". Carefully putting in the straw to look normal, and drained the sweet liquid quickly. Then threw it back in my bag seeing that the trash can was in the front of the room. I just hoped no one had noticed, I self-consciously glanced around the room. Everyone, including Bradyn was so fixed on the lesson it wasn't even funny, so much for trying to talk to him.


"...oh and the school food is nasty, so if I hadn't saw that you had you lunch box this mourning, I would have told you to bring it tomorrow," winking at me indicating that not only he saw, but that his random facts one the school were done. I blushed," Oh so you did see that." He nodded his head, but don't worry it'll be our little secret." I followed him through the cafeteria, and sat down with him and a group of his friends. "So you ready for the next meet, Bradyn?" this guy to the right of him asked after doing some weird hand shake. "Haha totally, Reid! I'm so gonna beat my P.R. this time!" he said laughing," Oh by the way this is Ash, Ash this is Reid, Drake, and Steven." They all said "hey" or "hello" when there name was said. "Hi," I smiled.

All of a sudden that was a tap on my shoulders, and when I turned around there was a girl with blond and pink streaks standing behind me. "Hi, I'm Rose, I was wondering if you would want to come sit with us," she smiled. "Hey, I'm Ash, and sure. See you guys later," I said grbbing my lunch and followed her to the other side of the room. "So do you like to read," she asked as we sat down. I nodded my head," But mostly stuff like Stephen King, Edgar Allen Poe, William Shakespeare, and J.K. Rowling, what about you?" She looked shocked, and said," Oh my glob, the same, favorite book/play/poem for each, mines 'The Raven', 'Carrie and 'Under the Dome', 'A Midnight Summer's Dream' and 'Romeo and Juliet', and the 'Harry Potter' collection." I looked at her in aw," The same!!"

We were so lost on the topic of books, I almost didn't realise this other girl came and sit next to me. Until she spoke," Oh that's a good one, I have it if you want to borrow it." I looked over at her as she dud through her bag. She had a white purple colour tint to her hair, and blue eyes. "Oh I'm Sarah, by the way," then she pulled out 'City of Bones' and handed it to me," here you go, it's really good. I liked it." When the bell rang to go to forth I walked to class with Sarah and Rose, to find out that we had that class together. This class is going to be fun!


I got home and sat down ont he couch, not even going to try the home work for tonight. "So how was school, baby girl?" my father asked before starting to 'eat' his steak. I smiled," It was awesome, I made a lot of new friends today." He smiled," Well, that's good baby girl I'm glad you are enjoying it. Are you hungry, your mother left some steak on the stove if you want it." I nodded my head and walked in the kitchen to find a plate already fixed for me. Then I saw a brown box in the corner of my eye, on top of the box it said," Ash, we love you, and we want you to know that! What you find in this box is yours not only from us, but also from Gran-Gran! Love, M&D"

I open the box and inside was a iPhone 1st gen I'm guessing, and then there was a ring with a blue crystal in the middle and around it was baby blue diamonds. My Gran-Gran's prized possession was that ring, and she told me the day before she died she wanted me to have it. I smiled, finished my food, and went to thank my dad, but he had fallen asleep. I let out a small giggle, and grabbed my stuff, and ran up to my room. I put the ring in a display case by a picture of her, my new phone on charge, and my book I borrowed from Sarah by my bed.

I went to my bathroom and took a quick shower. Thinking over what had happened today, thinking about Bradyn. I hope he likes me to. When I was done in the shower, I got out, put on pyjamas, and went straight to bed.

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