-♦- Chapter Three -♦- Getting to Meet an Angel -♦-

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My thoughts went back to her and as though she knew I was thinking of her, she, Kathrine, and Remus walked into the room. I looked at her, dying to talk to her, but instead I looked back at my food. Remus walked over to me, set his hand on my shoulder and whispered “Come on over, I know you do not care for your present company.” He shot a look at them. Claudia was on Jake’s lap and they were doing all kinds of PDA that was disturbing. I got up took my lunch and walked with Remus over to Kat and… her. I couldn’t help but blush a little. She was even more precious close up. Her lips were the color of cherries, and very plump, her cheeks were a rose color, her eye lashes were so beautiful and long, they framed her eyes perfectly. To my surprise, unlike most girls on earth, she had absolutely no make-up on. To sum it up, she looked perfect and it was all natural. She stood up and said, her voice ringing in my ears and warming up my body “Hi I'm Pellow Audrey, nice it is meet you to.” So her name was Audrey. It fit so perfectly. It was graceful, sweet, and gentle; just like her. She realized she had mixed her words up, her eyes grew huge, her doll face grew bright red and she sat down her hands in her face. I thought ‘What did I do? Oh no. Did I embarrass her? Did I make her cry??’ And another part of me reassured my fears ‘You didn’t do anything. Just tell her she didn’t do anything wrong.’ So I walked over and sat next to Audrey, the sent of orange blossoms intoxicated me and I couldn’t think for a second. Once I got my mind working again I shook my head and tried to console her “It’s ok, don’t worry about it! I’m Trevor; it’s a pleasure to meet you Audrey.” I felt so amazing saying her beautiful name. She looked up at me, her eyes meeting mine. They twinkled as she examined me, her chocolate eyes so beautiful. She started to make conversation and as we talked, she grinned, a perfect delicate grin the entire time. We had so much in common that I felt comfortable enough to just wanted to tell her everything about me for example ‘Oh by the way, I can make myself invisible, can change into other people and have superman strength.’ almost came out of my mouth but I reminded myself ‘A) she’s a human and there are only special circumstances that a divine being is allowed to tell a naive human what they are. And B) She’d be scared off or think you pshchotic if you did and you’d never hear from her again.’ But we kept chatting until the bell rung. She glared at the bell, although she was glaring her eyes were still gentle, she then sighed “Well, it was really nice to meet you.”

As the rest of the day went by, I thought of her face, her scent, how her hair shines in the sun light, how her eyes twinkle when she is happy and I realized, I’m head over heels in love with Audrey. Then school was over; I found and caught up with Remus. He smiled at me “Hi there. How are you?” I tried to focus on what he was saying but, I my mind slipped into thoughts of Audrey. When I got back to earth, I saw Remus smirking. “You’re in love with Tiger’s little friend, aren’t you?” I shook my head trying to deny it “No, not at all.” He rolled his eyes “Does her voice give you goose bumps? Did you fall in love the moment you laid eyes on her? Does her scent make you lose track of what you are thinking about? Does she look like an angel to you? Do you think you’d kill anyone that’d hurt her? Can you see yourself having a future with her? And finally, did you feel these feelings the moment you laid eyes on her?” I stared at him, dumbstruck. He knew exactly how I felt about her, to a tee. I was speechless so I just nodded. His smirk turned into a smile. “That my dear boy is what happens when you fall head over heels in love for someone.” I looked at him, a little frustrated “Fine, I am madly in love with Audrey. But I don’t understand it. I fell in love the instant I saw her, I didn’t even say hi when these feelings started… It doesn’t make any logical sense! Gah!” Remus laughed; patting me on the back “Sky,” he sighed, looked at the sky then continued “Love never makes sense. Once you find love, there’s no logical or scientific reason to explain why we find love the way we do… We just do.” I couldn’t understand anything he had just said but I nodded and went with it. He then said, getting into the car, “We need to figure out how to get you two to spend time together.” I nodded and then seeing Kat talking to someone, I honked the horn, the person jumped, I got out and yelled from the car “Tiger are you going to take all-” Then I noticed who she was talking to was Audrey. I turned off the car and hopped out, then walked over to them, and spoke "Oh, Audrey! I didn't see you there."  She smiled her gentle smile. I started to apologize, and I heard her about to say something but Kat cut her off “Trevor, you moron! She was going to invite us over and you just blew it! Nice going, you dumbass." I couldn’t believe it. I had a chance to spend time with the most wonderful person in the world and I blew it. She spoke her voice like a light in the dark. “It's ok; I was still going to invite you guys, that is, if you guys still want to come.” It felt as though my heart was going to explode with happiness. "Yeah totally! I'd love to come! Uh... when... uh... I mean, what time?" she thought for a second, her face was very cute when she was thinking "Um, how about, 6:30? How does that sound?" as soon as the words left her mouth I all but yelled in joy “Perfect! I'll tell Drake and we'll be there! See ya!"

But before I could turn to leave, Tiger interjected “Oh and, Audrey, I saw that Josh kid staring at you!” It felt like a cold wind had blown and my chances with Audrey, the perfect girl, had been lost in the wind. She asked her, worried “How do you know that?” Tiger winked “I’ll tell ya later.” Her face fell and her eyes looked to be on the verge of tears. I felt like I had made her unhappy but I tried to shake it off and said “"Oh, well... um... I'll... I guess I'll... see you later...?" She shook her head, as though shaking off a bad memory and her braid hit her arms as she shook it, “Yeah, see you then.” I walked to the car; I felt the happiness I had felt minutes ago, drain. I got into the car and drove back without a word to Remus.

Once we got back to the ‘house’ I changed from my human form to my regular form, my hair turning light blue, and went to the elevator. But, before the doors could shut, there was Remus, concern written all over his face. “What’s wrong Sky?” I shook my head. “I’d rather not talk about it.” He stepped into the elevator and sent it to the hot springs. He watched the rooms pass us by and told me is a serious voice “I could get one of our mind readers to tell me what’s wrong you know.” I groaned, he was a man that, if he wanted to know something, he’d stop at nothing to get that information. “Fine. I’ll tell you once we get to the springs.” He smiled; happy he was going to get what he wanted. Once we arrived to the spring, I dove in. Remus on the other hand used the steps on the other side. I love the spring; it is like a cross between a pool and a hot tub. It was ten feet at the deepest part and three feet at the shallowest, and it took up the entire room. I started swimming laps then Remus swam up to me “Sky, what happened back at the school?” I sighed. He wasn’t going to let it go. “Tiger said there was another guy that wanted her.” Remus looked me in the eyes and told me in a fatherly voice “Then you have to win her heart by showing her that you care more about her than this other guy.” I felt the challenge make my blood boil; I was determined to win her heart. I swam laps even faster and with more power behind each stroke. Remus almost yelled over the sound of the water “Sky!” when I finally heard him I stopped, and swam over to him. “Yes?” He said his face completely serious. “You can not let Lupo find out that you love her or you know he’ll be after her like that.” He snapped his fingers. My face fell again and the face of that bastard came to my mind. His white hair stained in blood, his onyx eyes, cold, heartless and his pale complexion, then I imagined him holding her captive, and torturing her and I could fell my anger grow until I put my head under water to try to get the image out of my head. 

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