Chapter 1

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I had just informed Mother Hannah about what I had just happen to me.
"Oh wow, Lucy that's great news! We were all starting to get worried. The younger you are when it happens the more desirable you are to the men to be married". Mother Hannah says
"But Mother Hannah, I do not wish to be married. I decided to tell you first because you were only 13 when you married my father 3 years ago. We have gotten close and I thought you would feel the same way as I do" I say.
"Yes you are right, at first I did not want to marry your father. I begged my father to change the verdict, but my family was not one of the chosen ones. So my father wanted me to marry him, said it was the best thing for me and my new life. Now I love your father and I love my baby girl Savannah and I cannot wait to greet these two trouble makers into the world" she says as she rubs her belly, "this is a good thing. Because of your father status you may even become a first wife! You will have a good life. Now don't worry. Go and get your other mothers, I will get your father".
I leave her condo and knock on the other two doors and tell them that we need to met the in common office. I get to the finale door and just walk in, this is my home. My mother is sick, sick enough my father can kick her out of the compound if he wished but he's a good man so instead he buys her medicine and is helping her get better. I walk to her room and to my surprise she is not in bed, but sitting on her rocking chair.
"Momma, how are you feeling?" I ask her.
"Very good today. I think the new medicine is working." She replies
"Momma I have something to tell you, I have gotten my period. I have already told Mother Hannah so she is getting everyone together, I was sent to get you. I'm sorry I did not tell you first" I say not wanting to hurt her feelings.
"Oh Lucy" she says almost smiling, "it's okay honey, I didn't tell my mother for a week. I told my older sister first and she kept it a secret. But it got out and I got in trouble. Thank you for tell someone. If you didn't, you would be given to a lesser family or become a 5 or 6th wife. I am proud of you".
"Are you able to walk? We are supposed to met in the common office." I say.
"Yes I can, perhaps even without my cane. That's how good today is" She says smiling ear to ear and she stands up out of her chair.
Momma and I walk to the common room and into the office, where everyone is waiting for us. Mother Hannah and Mother Denise are beside father. And Mother Joy is beside Mother Denise. Mother Denise is the oldest, and she looks it. She is my least favourite mother, she is mean and all of her children are bratty.
"Hello ladies, we are gathered here today to inform everyone that Lucy, daughter of Sarah has become of age to marry. Finally the time has come to marry off my second daughter. Boy am I proud. Tomorrow we need to inform the prophet and he will tell us if he has someone in mind or if the man will be allowed to choose. Because of my status I will be allowed to veto anything if the man is allow to choose. I will make sure she is sent to a good man who will take care of her", Father says.
" Lucy, how long have you had it for? If you have had it for to long then you will be punished for not telling us sooner" Mother Denise says rudely.
" I got it this morning, an hour later after prayers I informed Mother Hannah. Then we had a long talk, then we started this meeting." I say, almost with an attitude.
"Very well", she says.
"I'm proud of you and hope get married to a good man with a good family". Mother Joy says.
"Alright goodbye my girls. I have to go back to the temple, I need to pray and speak to my brothers" Father says, " I will see you all for dinner, it's Mother Joys turn to cook",Father walks out of the room.
"Oh Lucy! You must be so excited!", Mother Joy says. Mother joy is the prettiest, she had long dark hair and clear skin, almost olive coloured. All of her children are beautiful, and yet so modest. Almost like they are unaware of their beauty.
"Excited is one word to us" I say, trying to be polite, "I'm more nervous".
"Darling why are you nervous? You come from a high family, and you are a smart and very beautiful girl. Who wouldn't fall in love with your beautiful long blonde hair and sweet green eyes. I know I did the day I met you", She says.
"Thank you Mother Joy", I say feeling good about myself.
"You need to learn motherly and wifely duties, since your mother is sick and the others are to young to really know what they are doing you will stay with me for a couple days", Mother Denise says, rudely interrupting.
"Yes Mother Denise" I say not wanting to spend anymore time then I have to with her.
"I am well enough to teach my daughter the ways. Plus she has grown up with my ways" Mother says.
"But you have doctor appointments and you still need to make sure your other children are well taken care of, don't worry about her. I'll make sure she is well trained" Mother Denise says, "Lucy go fetch some of your clothes and meet me my at my house".
With that everyone leaves the room. Knowing that you should never argue with the first wife, the first wife is the closest to father. Most of the time she is the one he chose, everyone wants to be a first wife.
I go and get my stuff from my room I share with my other 3 sisters.
"Where are you going?" Bethany says, Bethany is 9 years old, she was old enough to see our sister Maria get married off, she didn't tell anyone for a couple months, father was so mad, he let her become a 5th wife to an old man.
"I have reached age. And I told them in good timing. Mother Denise is going to train me, since Momma is sick", I say.
"You don't like mother Denise though", she says.
"I know but I didn't not have a choice, I would of much rather Mother Joy or even momma. But no one argues with a first wife", I say.
"I hope you become a first wife to a young chosen man", she says as she hugs me. She's almost crying.
"Beth baby. I'll see you again don't worry. I won't be marry for another week or so." I say trying to comfort her.
"I know but I'm going to miss you" she says.
"I'll miss you too, but I have to go. Mother Denise is waiting for me" I say. "Goodbye, I love you"
"I love you too", she says so quietly it's almost a whisper
I pick up my bag and start walking towards Mother Denise's home. Thinking the whole way about Beth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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