The Battle Of The Orcs and the Blood Elf's

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~ The Battle of The Orcs and the Blood Elf's ~

It was a warm spring Wednesday. Tristan was enjoying the cool breeze brush against his skin. All of a sudden he heard a loud rustling noise in his garden. Where Tristan had lived there weren't many animals living around. Tristan Got up pumped in adrenaline and yelled "Who's there." A tall man dressed in a light gray armor and had white femine straight hair. Stumbled out of the bushes. Tristan eyed the man suspiciously, and asked who he was. " Please I mean no harm I escaped to your world through a portal." The mysterious man explained. " Excuse me for being rude my name is Azul the Cerulean I am a captain of my race, the Blood Elf's." Azul lets out. He pants and pants until he regains his breathe. "Tis the battle of the Orcs and Blood Elf's, we were attacked so we all escaped" Azul tells. Azul then explains to Tristan that there has always been hate between these two races. So they started the war, and they foresaw in their prophecy a leader of a righteous group. Shall receive aid from a Human Race. To end the war...

To be continued...

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