Lost Paradise Part One: How it starts out

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Sitting here at the steps of a building, I was just bored and lonely as usual. I'm just your every-day typical bi-stander that observes everything. So here is what I observed in this city. The skies were covered in the golden blanket from the sunset. Many people walked through the streets. The sounds of chatter, laughter, and cries from children filled the air of the little city called Mizra. In the year 2670 A.D. nothing seemed wrong.

The buildings were high and glittering in gold. It was like a utopia that people wished for in the past. Joyful music filled the air from the intercoms. People got along with one another, and the city was filled with smiles, except for a family full of greed and power, the Malzaheimer family. They lived at the top of the steep hill with a vast black asphalt road winding all the way to their manor. No one dared to go there. Not even the servants would want to serve them even if they would get large pay from the rich family.

Everyone knew all the Malzaheimers would do is torture them with their riches and smear it all over the people's faces. They were like the scum of the city, but only rich. The manor was pale white with gold trimmings and roof tops. There were large stained windows beautifully designed to show their wealth, if the manor wasn't enough. Inside the manor lived a family of six people.

Garren Malzaheimer, the head of the manor. He owns the Tip Top Tarner business which their business was private, so I don't know much about it! An average man with a pot belly dressed in the most expensive and elegant looking clothes with gold trimmings. His jacket was an ugly yellow suit, along with corresponding slacks. Garren had a bird's nest going on in his beard, which I wonder, does he ever wash it?

He had a wife named Myra Malzaheimer. She had a dirty little secret that her husband does not know about. It ran through her family of prostitution and earning money the dirty quick and easy way. She wore the most revealing outfits to show off her body-ahem erm, beauty.

Then there was Aly and Alicia Malzaheimer. Wore the same exact things, had the same interests, no need to explain more now do I? The youngest one was a boy named Mark. Spoiled child, such a spoiled child! I can't imagine him when he grows up. Oh and did I say six was in the family? Well last but not least, me.

 My name is Kinetta, and was adopted to the family, don't remember my last name, but I know my age, 17. I was just a poor boy lost in the slums, but was found by this "lovely" family. Then they took me in and used me as a slave, what a great family?

Ah all they do is order me around here and there, making fun of what my interests are because the idea of steampunk was dead, or so they though. I just usually wear old steampunkish, Victorian clothing. I know they're about 800 years old. I was just a boy full of ideas but could not share it with anyone, just because they would laugh at me for it. I'm actually quite surprised that I haven't snapped and fought back yet, but then again, what good would that give me?

So here I am, sitting in this world lost. I suddenly received a letter on my receiver from my parents. It was about school, saying: "Well Kinetta, we think you are smart enough and old enough to go to school! Now we hope you do well and become really smart! Get a good scholarship so you can earn big bucks! We love you! :)" –Mom and Dad.

Oh well thanks a lot mom and dad, like I wasn't smart, considering I was already creating my own robots at the age of 7! Well great, more stuff for them. It would do me some good, I guess. I don't have to be picking up after their mess like a maid. I could finally get a scholarship in something and get a job, and then I will have my own money!

Suddenly my receiver rings again. "Please pay the tip for your letter. It is your choice, but doing so will allow you to send out smiles!" –H.R.A. I just clicked "No thanks." Well at least they still ask for tips, but there's no person to give it to! So I got up and left. I walked down the streets of Mizra, observing all of the things in the city once again.

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