Sir Williamson//Miss Adams

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I watched as many houses appeared on my window. I let out a sigh. This is the fourth time, I had moved town. My dad just recently got offered a position in a company. My mother has ditched us with a new man to enjoy her lust, a few years ago, but we managed to get back with our lives.

We aren't rich or neither poor. We are a middle-classed family. My family consist of my father, my sister and me, Evangeline Adams.

"We're here," said my dad, glancing at us in the rear-mirror.

I yawned, and took a quick step out of the car. I stretched my arms and legs from the long road trip we had.

"Hurry up, I want to eat," Serenity nagged me while tugging my arm to the building in front of us.

Ugh. She's always hungry. How is her body still slender and slim when she eats stack of food junk a day. Ah, who cares? At least she won't get picked on at school...I think.

My dad had rented a room a week ago. I rushed over to the counter and one of the workers in the lobby gave me the card to the room.

We reached to the top floor and I hurriedly walked through the hallway and tried to find, room no.52

"50...5-" I stopped in my track and a women in her 40s walked out with packs of boxes on her. I rushed over and carried the boxes on top.

"Ma'am, let me help you with that," I said quickly.

"Ah, so kind hearted thank you so much," the lady smiled at me brightly and I couldn't stop myself from giving my toothy grin.

We both walked side by side to the dumpster outside of the apartment and quickly dumped it in.

"What's your name, young lady?" The lady asked curiously.

"Evangeline, ma'am" I replied with a smile.

"What a lovely name, you can call me Michelle, care for tea?" She asked.

I nodded in return, "That'll be lovely, thank you"

Once we reached to room no.51 the second door on floor 5.

She offered me Jasmine Tea. I took a quick sniff of the aurora that filled the room. I felt so relaxed.

"Ma'am, do you live alone?" I asked out of curiosity. I took a quick glance around the room. It looked pretty antique.

"Oh no, I live with my grandson." She said with a grin and sat across from me.

"Why doesn't your grandson do all the heavy works?" I blabbered out. "You seem like you had trouble carrying those boxes"

"He is a stubborn one. Always going out and rarely comes home to dinner or lunch with me." She got up and held a frame in her hands and she stared at it intently. As if she longed for his existence beside her.

I noticed the mood changed and looked up. A tear glistened over her eyes. She must had been really lonely.

"I don't know what happened to him, he was once a loving boy but now..." She wiped a tear that had escaped.

All I did was stared at her. I wasn't the type to comfort people since I end up making them feel worse. But when I watched as this elderly standing in the corner wishing her grandson would just have a meal together. I felt like I could do something for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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