Gladiator Love

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The Gladiators and the Slave (Chapter 1)

The day was as hot as it was dry, which Eleithyia was very thankful for, she and her brother Patroklos were used to it being very humid where they came from. She watched helplessly as man after man walked by them poking and prodding at her, she thought the god’s looked happily upon Patroklos and her because they had not been separated yet and that’s all she prayed for, not to be separated from her brother. “How much for the girl?” a lady with blood red hair asked the man who stood by her trying to sell off her and Patroklos, the twins that cause nothing but trouble for him.

“This one, she’s a fighter like her brother here, personally I think she would make for a better Gladiator then a house slave” said the man.

The lady looked irritable and snapped “I did not ask you what you thought, I asked how much” Eleithyia watched as the black man behind her that held a sword looked her brother over. Eleithyia noted his chest piece, she thought he was hiding something, as her eyes traveled she saw the whip hanging on his hip.

“Ten gold coins,” the vender demanded snapping her out of her thoughts.

“You said she was a fighter I’ll give you five”

“Deal takes her, she’s your problem now” the vender said unhooking her chain from her brothers.

“No Patroklos!” she screamed wrapping her arms tight around her brother.

“Go Eleithyia, we shall be together soon I swear it by Apollo and Artemis” Patroklos said as the black man tore her from her brothers arms.

Eleithyia became vary quite on the long walk to her new home “why do you not talk?” asked the Women.

“I’m sorry, what do you wish me to talk about?” Eleithyia growled

“What is your name slave?” she asked.

“My Name is Eleithyia” she said proudly.

“You’re lucky I like your name, you shall keep it, who was the boy you clung to so dearly?”

“My brother”

“I am your new Domina, serve me well and I will be sure to bring you and your brother together again, make me happy and I will grant both of you your freedom “

“Yes Domina” Eleithyia said softly, casting her eyes down.

“Good we are at your new home, oh are you still virgin?”

“Yes Domina”

Eleithyia followed her Domina into a lovely villa “very good, Follow Mila she shall get you your outfit.

When Eleithyia walked back to her Domina she wore a light purple material that covered one breast and a black strap that tied around her chest covered the other one, she also had a metal colure around her neck. “You look as lovely as a slave can” Domina praised “now run down and fetch me Crixus”

“Yes Domina” Eleithyia said bowing and hurrying down the stairs to where her Domina husband kept the Gladiators “excuses me gladiator?” she called out as a tall white man passed her

“Yes?” the man’s blue eyes looked her over

“Where is Crixus?” she asked the Gladiator with curly blond hair “Domina wishes to speak with him”

“He is this way young slave, what is your name?”

Eleithyia looked up at the man as she followed him “is that any concern to you, but it is Eleithyia”

“Well Eleithyia this is Crixus cell, but you may want to wait till he gets back from the showers or…well you get it” the man said laughing softly

“Thank you Gladiator,” she said as she watched the man walk away. A few minutes later a man walked in “are you Crixus?” she asked

“Yes and you are?” he asked his towel barely hanging onto his hips. He’s eyes took in every detail, the wave in her hair the stunning moonlight silver of her eyes the curves of her breast and butt. He sighed softly knowing it was the lack of women he has had as of late that made him want her right away.

“The Domina is wishes to see you” she said letting her eyes travel down his body.

Crixus nodded and followed Eleithyia up and out of the prison all gladiators called home “what is your name girl?” he asked watching her hips sway as she walked.

“It is Eleithyia” she said looking over her shoulder at him. She watched his brown eyes snapped up, she laughed softly “do the Romans not give you any cunts?”

“As many as I wish” He boasted a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips “You do not look Roman, what are you?”

Eleithyia sighed and stopped at the door as the Domina came out “Making friends with a gladiator Eleithyia, don’t you have better things to do?” she sneered stepping between Crixus and Eleithyia.

Eleithyia bowed her head “No Domina, you have not given me another order”

Lucretia raised her hand to slap her, “the day a slave corrects me is they day I am dead” she hissed lowering her hand .

Eleithyia glared at the ground “Yes Domina” she said in an even tone, brushing her golden blonde hair out of her Silver eyes.

“Good now go fetch us three jugs of wine” Domina demanded walking back into her room Crixus on her tail.

Eleithyia walked back down to the wine cellar witch happened to be right next to the Villa entrance to the Gladiators home. She picked up two jugs and was trying to balance the last one, She stumbled and tripped falling back, a pair of strong arms grabbed her and the jug “Need some help?” asked the man.

She looked up into his stunning blue eyes and warm smile and nodded unable to speak “Thank you sir” she said softly

“Any time, what’s your name girl?” he asked as they walked up the stairs

“Eleithyia, and you gladiator?” she asked flipping her hair out of her eyes.

“Spartacus the currant champion” He said proudly

Eleithyia rolled her eyes and picked up the pace “Did I anger you young Eleithyia?” he asked her honestly.

Eleithyia stopped and turned on the man named Spartacus “No and I am not a young child to be blinded by titles like the Champion so stop trying” She snapped and set her two jugs down “thank you for your help Spartacus” She said pasting a smile on her face as he placed the jug down. Spartacus nodded turning on his heels he left to go back down stairs, while Eleithyia went to find where else she could be useful.

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