Chapter 19 - No offense, bitch.........none taken, jerk.

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Chapter 19 – No offense, bitch………none taken, jerk.

Read this author note. It’s important.

Looking at the chapter’s title, you might have already guessed that this chapter is going to be a repeat of the prologue with some added scenes. As few readers have requested not to put a cliffhanger, I didn’t put one in this chapter.

In the previous chapter, I asked you to guess how Brad found out the truth. It’s saddening, disheartening to say that none of you were right. Yes, ladies and gentlemen; it is the sad truth. Not one of those 436 comments held the right answer. I will tell you why.

1.      Terrence told him.

A majority of you said this answer. That guy didn’t have balls to get his name in the mess the previous day. How did you expect him to grow a pair overnight?

2.      Putting two-and-two together.

This was the second guess in the majority list. Many of you said that Brad put two-and-two together when he knew she had asthma. A survey says that 18.9 million i.e., 8.2% of the American population suffers from asthma. Let’s say that the pack has 500 girls. Going by the statistics, 8.2% in 500. Don’t worry; I will do the math for you. Forty one girls have asthma. Out of forty one girls, he puts together everything only for Virginia?

I am sorry, even the wig doesn’t help because Shirley told that every house in the town has a wig given the carnival that held last year.

3.      Brad eavesdropped on their conversation in the woods.

Brad is an alpha of a pack that is large in numbers and territory. He is the chairman of a group of companies. Please tell me how in hell he got time to listen on conversations of a few school girls who visited him an hour back.

4.      The bracelet’s shape and scent.

God bless your Geography teacher in school. If you look at the map of Virginia, it looks like a hill or a mountain peak. No one will get an idea that it’s actually a map.

The scent of the bracelet is revealed in the morning and Brad packed up from Washington and landed in California to meet the love of his life. I admit that the story is cliché but not touché. If you check up on Brad, you would guess that he was playing along. I even gave a clue when Celina spoke that he knew it right from the start.

5.      Alpha Sergey told him.

Dafuq, did I just read that?  Alpha Sergey is a rival. He just threw a few clues to challenge Brad that even if he gets powerful, he can take him down. Sergey doesn’t even know who Virginia is. Remember, Virginia had her masquerade mask on in the Sensale.

Looking at your guesses, I realized that you are up for a surprise, a big one at that. You would just read it and say, “Oh no! This is how he found out. It was there right in front of my eyes and I couldn’t find it.”

The competition’s still on. Guess the right answer and claim the prizes. Phew! That would hold a record for the longest author note on the Wattpad.


Virginia’s POV

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