Hinata Shouyou

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Hello Everyone!

This is Hinata Shouyou from Haikyuu!! It's pretty bad. Today I was in this store with my little brother and my mom and I was wearing my wings of freedom sweater and this girl with this anime style hair that was dyed a pink and purple-ish color came up to me and said this: "I like your sweater" and just walked away.
Me: *GASPS* Another anime fan?! My new anime friend wait! Don't leave me!

Alright this was in my head I didn't actually say this. I was just silent and had think about what just happened. I was freaking out basically and told my mom.
Me: Mom! Another Attack on Titan fan!
Mom: okay
Me: So cool! *continues babbling*
Then I told her this:
Me: do you know how rare it is to find another person who likes anime?! In a store?!
Mom: okay..
Me: you watched Attack on Titan! Don't you feel excited?
Mom: no
Me: you liked Attack on Titan right?
Mom: it was alright.. -_-
Me: you also watched Death Note! Now watch Death Parade!
( I want her to watch Death Parade) Mom: no...
Me: why.. You watched Death Note and Attack on Titan..why not Death Parade?
And blah blah that's it.
Have a nice day.

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