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Honeydew sighed. Couldn't he have been kicked out in a place a little less crappy? It was freezing, he had no supplies and it was going to be night soon. Well, maybe if he HADN'T blown up the mine, he still be in his bed in Khaz Modan.

"Stupid council, stupid dwarves, stupid- AGH!" He
yelped as he slipped on a patch of ice, landing flat on his back. "SNOW.  STUPID, STUPID SNOW. "

He got up, brushing himself off and looking up at the sky. He let out a loud sigh and sat on an old tree stump beside him. "Who am I kidding? Dwarves were made to be underground." The growing night sky gave no comfort as a black blanket covered the setting sun. Suddenly, there was a growing streak in the sky. He squinted as it seemed to grow larger and larger.

"HOLY SH-" Honeydew screamed as he realized the light was an object that was crashing down where he was. He ducked behind the stump. There was a deafening explosion and a blinding light as something crashed to the earth behind him. He opened his eyes slowly as the light dimmed and all he could  hear was the sound of crackling fire. He lifted up his head towards the newly formed crater and gasped. "What in Notch's name?" He whispered.

It was a large pod-like object lying in the middle of the crater. It had smoke pouring out of it and pieces were lying everywhere. It faintly glowed a blue-ish color behind the thick glass in the front. The dwarf began to make his way towards the object when the front flew open, queuing Honeydew to hide behind a tree. More smoke poured out of the pod as a man crawled out, coughing horribly. He was wearing a red and black suit and had brown hair. He coughed and laid on the ground, breathing heavily. The man seemed to cause no harm, but Honey approached cautiously.

"Um, are you alright, mate?" Simon said as the man's eyes flew open revealing a bright growing baby blue. He gasped and pointed a gun at the dwarf, standing up quickly. 

"Wh...who are you!?" He gasped heavily, his arm shaking. Simon raised his hands in defense, even though this man could do no harm. He wasn't familiar with the weapon he was hold, but by how much the man was shaking, it would miss. Said man was also holding his stomach and struggling to stand straight, so he had to be wounded.

"Woah! Woah, easy there! I come in peace!" Simon said quickly there. "Plus, you're in no shape to hold a fight, buddy."

"I-I could blow your head off if I wanted too!" He stopped, clenching his eyes shut and grunting in pain. "A-answer my question!"

"I'm Honeydew the Dwarf, from Khaz Modan." He said, putting his arms down. Wrong move. The alien saw the movement and sharpened his aim.

"Arms up!" He shouted. "Where am I?"

"The North Mountains?" Honeydew answered, his hands going up once more.

"That doesn't help me! What planet am I on?!" The alien exasperated, his eyes glowing blue.

"Minecraftia!" He answered quickly.

The alien seemed to calm down a little, his gun lowering a bit. "I-I made it then." He whispered before collapsing to his knees and shouting in pain.

"Are you gonna be alright?"

"I-I'm...I'm fine- Augh, This hurts so bad..." He mustered out.

"Here, let me help y-"

"N-No! I'm fine! I..." He trailed off as Honeydew gently made his way towards him.

"Look, this wreck is gonna attract mobs soon, and we're screwed if they catch us. So we-"

The man gasped and cried out. "The wreck! They...they'll track it down...They're gonna find me. They-They can't find me!"

"Sounds like we both need a place to hide. Come on, let me help you." The dwarf smiled, pulling the man's arm over his shoulder as they moved from the wreck. As soon as Honeydew saw they were far  away enough, he set the alien down to rest by a tree. 

"Wait here." The dwarf said, but got no response from the male. Maybe he had passed out. He quickly gathered wood and began to make walls around the tree, offering the both some type of shelter. He set a bed he had snagged while in Khaz and began to set the spaceman down onto it. The man whimpered in pain as he was picked up, but made little struggle. Simon sat down beside the bed and began to go through his inventory. Maybe he had some food for the man...

"Th-thank you, Honeydew..."

"No problem. Hey, what's your name?"

"M-my name?"

"Yeah. Your name. What can I call you?"

The man paused, as if thinking. "...Xephos. Call me Xephos."

Lewis groaned as he woke up. Why did his head hurt so badly? He didn't drink last night, did he? No, he was positive he didn't. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. His eyes widened.

He was lying on the snowy ground, looking out over a vast ocean. He looked around, his breathing growing heavy. There were large mountains around him, and snow everywhere. He looked down at himself and let out a cry of surprise and shock. He looked to be wearing grey jeans and a blue and white striped tshirt, with a crimson coat over it. He quickly crawled over to the water. If he couldn't see his reflection this had to be a dream. A face that wasn't his own stared back at him. The hair cut and facial couldn't be...

Lewis let out a shriek of panic as his head spun. How did this happen? Why did it happen? And why Him?! There was a groan behind him.

"Oh god, I shouldn't have drank so much last night." A familiar voice said.

Lewis spun around. "Simon!" He cried, running to his friend.

"Wha? Y-yeah, 'm awake, Lewis." He yawned. Lewis flinched as he saw him. That wasn't Simon he was looking at...It was his minecraft skin! Just...really short.

"Simon, get up! We have an emergency!" Lewis shouted.

"Did Yogtowers finally burn down?" He said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"No. Worse." Lewis said looking at this new world with panic. Simon looked around.

"Oh, cool." He yawned before his eyes widened in panic. "What the- How?!"

"I don't know. How did this happen?!" Lewis said, his eyes glowing brighter.

Simon chuckled as he looked at him. "What? What's so funny?!" Lewis cried.

"Nothing. The look suits you." He chuckled, Lewis rolling his eyes.

He turned and began to climb the hill behind them. "Right back at 'chya, dwarf." He shouted before gasping.

"I think I look rather dashing." He said, climbing after him. "Woah..."

"It' wilderness."

"It's kinda familiar...don't 'chya think?"

"It's our first server...It's still here. Untouched." Lewis said, completely shocked.

The two seemed to flinch at that. "I thought we-"

"Welp! If this is Minecraft, we need shelter and fast. Looks like it's almost night!" Simon said cutting him off. 

"Simon, we can't just-"

"We can and will Lewis! Now, come on! To adventure!" He said, the first part under clenched teeth. Lewis sighed and raced after him.

Red eyes watched from the distance, completely hidden the heroes' view. "Welcome home, heroes."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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