Hidden Identities

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Dedicated for the cover that was made. Thanks again!

* * *

I sighed as I plopped onto the bed after a very long month. My blonde hair was in a very messy braid, the lightning bolt pin holding back my bangs. My electric blue eyes were tired. I mean, it started out good. Great even. But everyone knows that a demigod having a normal month is rare. I guess I should start the night my friends almost got shot by my boyfriend, a few days before I was going to leave for camp . . .

* * *

"That was fun." I grinned, watching as Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett (Also my boyfriend that almost no one knows about) hauled the murderer we'd been chasing to his feet.

"Fun?" Daniel Williams asked incredulously before Steve could even attempt to open his mouth. I resisted the urge to sigh at my newly found twin brother. Here we go again. "We just jumped the Camaro, chased down this guy for around five blocks," he poked the guy's chest, "and you think that's fun?"

McGarrett and I shared glances. "Yes." We chorused.

"Unbelievable." Danny muttered.

We handed the rogue man to a nearby cop and jumped into the Camaro. Meaning, I was stuffed into the back while McGarrett drove and Danny ranted about how he never should have agreed to let his partner drive when they first met, heck, he shouldn't have picked a SEAL as a partner. Most of it lost sense after a while, it was that sad. Mostly because we all know that even though he says that, he doesn't mean it. Not that he would ever admit that.

My stomach grumbled a few minutes later, and I managed to fit in a word as Danny took a breath. "Hey guys, what about supper. You're done for tonight, right?"

"I can do the paperwork tomorrow." Steve shrugged.

Danny frowned again. "You mean I can do the paperwork tomorrow."

"Why, Danny, thanks for volunteering!" McGarrett grinned cheekily.

Said Detective groaned and decided to shut up for the rest of the car ride before he could get himself more work.

Soon, we were almost home. Well, my second home. You see, I'm not normal. I'm what you call a Demigod. Yes, you heard me right. Greek gods are real, and I'm the child of one of the strongest ones ever: Zeus, king of gods and god of lightning and sky.

Anyways, I live in New York in the summer at this camp, and I spend my other months here. In fact, in a few days Camp Half-Blood, one of my favorite places in the world, is supposed to start summer activities. Which means I'll have to live there for the first time since I came to Hawaii. Normally, I'd be looking forward to it, but now . . .

I shook my head to clear my thoughts as we pulled in the driveway and I started for the door. McGarrett and I had already talked about it, and we decided not to dwell on the future. Just enjoy everything for now. It was getting harder and harder as my flight got closer, but we still went with it.

"Hey, you okay?" I looked up to see the man himself. His sea green eyes were looking at me worriedly, his calloused hand twitching from wanting to grab my hand.

Another great thing about our relationship. Long ago, Hera, goddess of marriage and the person who hates my guts, imprisoned Steven in his own body and stuck him with a random mortal family. Why, you ask? He's the son of Poseidon, born a few decades after the Oath. She figured that for revenge Zeus would feel the need to retaliate by having a kid, so she hid him. Well, it was all for nothing. Daniel Williams went to school with McGarrett, and, as I later found out, was my twin brother. So she had to do the same thing for Danny, a very powerful son of Zeus. After that, their godly parents figured that they both had died by monster, and although they were depressed, they decided to pretend they never existed, figuring that Hades would have killed them both for being who they were anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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