Ice Asylum

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I c e  A s y l u m

Pale hands gripped at the slippery glass, as maroon-cloaked men took hold off their prey.                          Silent tears of death slid a path down the young girls cheeks as a leather gloved hand held her mouth tightly shut. Her brown hair was tugged to the side as a silvery needle slipped inside of her skin, slowing down any protests she may have been making. Her silver ringed-brown eyes closed without her consent and her world was pulnged into an icy darkness. 

* * *

"6815 it's time for you to get up," 

The voice was cynical and cold, being projected through a tiny metal speaker hanging high on the metal wall. Courtney May sat slowly, her eyes blinking through the veil of drowsiness that still possesed her cold mind. They's done it again. Drugged her. She must've had one of her 'fits'. She couldn't remember now, but that's exactly what they wanted. If she didn't remember, then 'it' never happened. Silence lit the room giving Courtney a shivering migraine. It was always too quiet here. Well, not unless they brought another one in...

         The small speaker also had a minuscule camera attached to it. At the moment, it was staring directly at her, its silent black eye - unblinking. Dragging her eyes away from it slowly, she got up from the cot and stretched quietly; before pressing her cold feet to the floor. There was only one window in the room she occupied, but she was grateful for it. Not everyone was lucky enough to have a window. It was small and single glazed, ice frosting up the edges, a constant reminder of where she was, a reminder of how cold and cruel this place was.

A loud click sounded and the singular metal door opened and a maroon-cloaked official came in. This one was female, blond hair piled on top of her head, pulled taut so that there were no bumps, no faults. "G'morning. I hope you'll get changed today without the drama?" It was Anna-Claire, the american-all star who just happened to work for one of the top COTI operations out there. COTI Meaning, Care Of The Ill. She came in a lot to look after Courtney. She wasn't as acidic as the others. Courtney nodded slowly before slipping off the white night gown and into an ice-blue long shirt that covered her to her thighs. It wasn't much, but then again, nothing ever was around here.

      "You've gotta 'ppointment with Dr.V today hun, so I need you on best behaviour, Okey?" Courtney nodded again, her eyes kept closely to the ground as she followed Anna-Claire out of her sleeping prison. Dr.V was just another of the priests that insisted on giving people like her treatment of a different kind. It wouldn't have been the first time his and her paths had crossed. 

A sudden shout had Courtney's eyes wide and open, staring down the corridor made of ice. Anna-Claire stopped and hissed under her breath as three other men in maroon cloaks,-their hoods back- came running down the corridor, their feet not sliding along the ice like Courtney's had. It wasn't untill Anna-Claire moved, that Courtney saw what they were chasing. A boy, about seventeen, was sliding down the corridor. Black hair covered his eyes yet for some reason, Courtney knew they were brown, like her own.  

   The boy suddenly cried out as a knife was thrown at his shoulder, not drawing blood, but still sticking into him. His body spasmed and the three COTI workers grabbed his upper arms and held him off the floor. His eyes were closed and his lips slightly parted. Anna-Claire stopped right in front of them, a scowl present on her face. Courtney peered around her to glimpse at the seemingly unconcious boy.

"And what would be the meanin' of this?" She asked, her voice purty and scornful.

" 'Dis here would be 6816, got him in this evening from Hollaway. 'e's got a right attitude." One of the men answered. Courtney hid her shock well. They hadn't got another body since her? But she had been here for over a month now. She wondered what would be wrong with him, to be taken away from humanity, you had to have a reason.

"Well I don'  wanna see no guys runnin' down this corridor next time okey? Lara would go crazy." Anna-Claire spoke quietly but sternly. The Lara she spoke of would be the head of the whole COTI production. She brought the entire company to it's feet. As the workers conversed, Courtney sneaked glances at the boy, still limp, being held up by the men. She wondered why they hadn't taken the knife out of him yet. A yearning deep inside of her wanted him to open his eyes, to see if she had been right about their colour. Just as she thought this, his eyes flashed open, and she was startled to find herself looking into the exact same eyes as she had. A gasp flew out of her mouth as he stared directly at her, no emotion present on his face.

          Then, just as sudden, he brought his elbow up, knocking the jaw of one of his captors. There were some more gasps as the carers realised what was going on. A kick to the groin sent another man to his knees whilst the boy delivered a hard left hook to the last one. Pulling the knife quickly from his back, he shoved it hard into Anna-Claire's shoulder, a rewarding scream of pain rang through Courtney's head.

The boy took off then down the corridor as Anna-Claire doubled over, clutching her shoulder. Courtney stood frozen in shock. She had never seen someone rebel and manage to get away before.  He slowed, and turned to look back at her, with eyes so familiar. She quickly pushed past the COTI workers and ran toward him, slipping on the icy surface. Before she could reach him, he was running again. 

        A metal four doored lift was at the end off the hall and the doors opened slowly. The woman herself, her blonde hair down in curls, and her cherry lips puckered. Her icy eyes hateful. The boy skidded to a stop, with Courtney only a few feet away, she slowed and stood still, her eyes wide. The woman wasn't alone. Ten other people, cloaked in maroon were surrounding her.

Stepping forward, the team moved as one, advancing on the shock-paralysed boy. As soon as she was close enough, a hard slap to the cheek sent the boy sprawling across the floor.

"No one ever escapes from The Iced Asylum."  Her voice rang off the walls and into Courtney's head, before blackness took her and swallowed her heart.


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