Chatper 5

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Victim 6: River

River POV

I woke up cuz I heared a evil little girl laugh

at me she was standing right infront of my

bed looking at me.Her hair was long and

her clothes where dirty "the little river falls

down a cliff and breaks her neck" the girl

giggled that's when a huge man appered next

to her.

"And the River was eatten alive by the

devil" the man laughed darkly I turned on

my lamp and looked at them but they

were gone I felt scared I couldn't move.

My lamp was knocked down I jumped a few

feet in the air "bye bye little river" a evil

man laughed at me.

A little girl appered on my bed and she put

her hand on my face and I could feel the

life in me coming out of my body "what......" I tried to say but I fell

out of my bed.

"Sweetie are you ok?" I heared my mom ask

she walked in and screamed so loud it she

ran over to me "sweetie stay with me please"

my mom cried trying to keep my alive.But

it didn't help I closed my eyes and the last

thing I heared was "good bye little river"

the mans voice laughed darkly before I passed away.

Report POV

the doctors said that River's blood was low

but they don't know how River died but

to this day their family feels like River is still

in their house protecting them from the evil



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