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Why I Hate Writing Introductions
I always dread this part. The part where I have to begin a story, or essay. The worst part of it is getting started, and writing an introduction. After that, things flow generally easily. So I have to just push through the beginning. That's something us writers (Gee, I don't know if I'm experienced enough to call myself a writer yet, even just an amateur one!) should try to remember when writing a book-- don't get discouraged if writing the beginning is hard. It'll get better soon!

So I'm going to be completely honest with you, and skip the formalities. I'm not going to burden you all, and myself, by posting an entire chapter filled with, "Hi, I'm Hera, welcome to my corner of Wattpad! I love to read and write, maybe follow me...?" I'm pretty sure you all would already know all that stuff.  So we are just going to jump right into this! Get ready; It'll be a quite an experience.


the herald // randomOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant