Chapter 8

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Regina Kostin hated travelling. Without any comforts from home, it was horrible. She and her father had had to travel before, but they had brought servants with them, and travelled in carriages. It could not be any more different than travelling with the criminals. 'The criminals', because in her mind, that was what she called them. It wasn't simply because she looked at them and didn't see past their reputations – no, it was because she did not fit in with them. She was separate, apart. They had gone through times of hardship, whereas she – as they never tired of reminding her – had grown up sheltered and privileged.

They were travelling through a downpour, and Regina felt thoroughly miserable. The rain pounded at them, and thunder rumbled every so often. They'd all pulled their hoods up and wrapped their coats around them, but were still soaked to the bone.

"Ravenna," she caught a mutter from Elias. "The worst country in the world. With the worst weather."

"We're used to it," she replied tiredly. He didn't respond. Hair dripped water into his face.

The land began to slope upwards and they climbed it steadily, taking care among the rockier areas – if a horse went lame now, they'd be done for. Everyone kept scanning anxiously for attackers, waiting for Kostin to catch up with them. Regina didn't doubt he'd have sent people to kill the criminals for 'kidnapping' her. She was still nettled by how easily Elias had figured her out. Must have come from his assassin days. Despite being set apart, Regina was no longer terrified of having her throat slit in the night. She knew that they were all in this together, and would try to keep one another alive because it would be so much easier to infiltrate the Fortress that way.

So much easier. Ha. Not likely.

They crested the hill, gazing at the expanse of land that lay out before them. Through rippling sheets of rain, Regina spotted lights. "A town!" she exclaimed, unable to stop her delight. "It will have an inn! We can stay there for the night."

"What, and get captured?" Nadine replied. "We have to stay away from civilization – right, Elias?" He nodded grimly.

"You two lovebirds can stay in the wild together if you want," Gylfi piped up unexpectedly. "I'm with the princess. I want to sleep in a real bed for a change."

"Typical," Elias snorted. "You prize comfort over safety."

"We can make ourselves as inconspicuous as possible," Regina argued. "They're a small town – they won't know about us."

"Unless Kostin's lackeys have reached the town first – using the roads, which is much quicker," Nadine added.

"We can use this opportunity to buy real food, and gather news about Kostin." Regina was determined not to use the word 'Father' – it would aggravate them. "You want to carry on wandering about in the wild, guessing at his plans? We'll become paranoid."

Nadine shifted uncomfortably. Regina felt a spark of pride – she was beginning to change her mind. Elias, of course, remained stoic.

"Looks like you're outnumbered," Gylfi crowed. "Come on, princess. We'd better go to the inn in pairs – looks less fishy." He winked at her. "We can be a young travelling couple. They can enter the inn after us, and pretend they don't know who we are." Before anyone could protest, Gylfi spurred his horse onwards. Regina followed, and they made their way down the hill and along a track, to the little town.

It was a small, backwater town – in the days before, Regina would have been disgusted by it, but now she felt her heart leap in pleasure whenever they passed a glass light. They let the horses trot along, surveying the people with their hoods pulled low over their faces. Good job it was raining, or they'd have looked very suspicious. Nevertheless, the market in the town square was bustling, with canvas canopies put up to provide some shelter, people strolling around in floor-length fur coats and ushankas. Regina's mouth watered at the smell of freshly baked bread. Her hands were so cold she was beginning to think she'd be unable to move them.

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