Beautiful Pain

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A/N: You guys have been such sweet little beans, i though I could try whipping up a bit of something here for you guys. It's still on hiatus, but I just finished a huge final research essay and decided I wanted to write for this a lil. I don't know when I'll lift the hiatus, but once I can wrap up Wolf and/or Game Over, I'll try to get back to this one <3 Enjoy this lil tid bit


Andy opened his eyes, staying curled up stiffly. The voice sent chills down his spine. It sent his mind into panic, it made his skin crawl, it made him want to vomit.
"Hey, baby boy... How are you feeling tonight?"

Andy squeezed his eyes shut. He felt sick. That's how he felt.

"Oh, sh, don't cry. I didn't mean to hit you so hard... I didn't know that the bottle would break so easily. How does the cut feel? Does it still burn? Is it still bleeding?"

Once again, Andy remained silent, curled up tighter. He put his hand over his messily bandaged forearm, a soft whimper escaping his quivering lips as he felt a large, warm hand pry his fingers away.

"Let daddy see, angel." The breath wreaked of alcohol and cigarettes, the warmth tickling Andy's skin, but in the least pleasant way. "Oh, sh... don't cry. Daddy's gonna kiss it better... C'mere..." 

Andy squirmed away, opening his eyes to see the big, burly man hovering over him. He watched in horror, his eyes blue eyes large with fear as his step-fathers hand wrapped around the back of his neck.
"M-Mama!" Andy screamed desperately, chest rising and falling quickly with panic. His step-father's eyes grew dark, angry and annoyed. That was putting it mildly.

"'Mama' is away on business for the weekend. Remember, Andrew? We talked about this... Now come here. Daddy's gonna make you feel better." He murmured, lowering to come face to face.

"I want mama! Mama, p-please-" Andy wailed helplessly, thrashing in the bed. He stopped suddenly, the hand around his neck tightening and squeezing painfully. "A-Ah- Stop! Let.. Let go!" He continued to screech. He continued to kick. He continued to thrash, and wail, and sob, and cry, and scratch, bite. He tried all he could, but each attempt resulted in worse pain. Worse punishment... Worse everything... Always got worse...

"Shut up, you fucking brat. I swear to god, you're going to wake up the neighbors with that noise. Why the fuck couldn't you be mute." His step-father hissed, slapping him across the face harshly. Andy made a choked noise in response, tears hot against his cheeks as they spilled. "No one gives a damn about you, Andrew. You're fucking pathetic. Sometimes your own mother wishes she didn't have to put up with you, y'know that?" 

Andy whimpered quietly. "No... Please stop... Please..." His voice was softer, now. Quieter. Hopeless.

Although Andy's eyes were open, and although Andy could see everything going on, it wasn't real. His eyes were open, yes. But the visual was all an illusion; none of it was happening anywhere but inside of Andy's own mind. 
Ashley and Elizabeth were both sat beside Andy's bed, watching with equal amounts of concern for the distressed patient tangled in the bed sheets. They watched as his pale hands gripped at anything they could, scratching the mattress and tugging on his hair as the tears stained the fabric.
"Elizabeth?" Ashley whispered, voice cracking. His gaze was unable to break away from the sight before him, eyes dry from staring for so long.

"Night terrors." She whispered, voice equal in tone. "They've been quite rare for him lately, but sometimes they... come back at random. Usually after a somewhat traumatic or shaking experience." Elizabeth looked at Ashley. "Did something happen while I was out?"
Ashley chewed on his lip. "One of the nurses kind of.. man-handled Andy. I'm sorry, I should have gone to get him instead of her-"
"Ashley, you were taking care of other things. It's fine." She looked back at Andy. "It happens. Sometimes the new employees don't quite understand how serious his condition is..."
Ashley nodded silently, hands fidgeting in his lap anxiously.

He could see the fear and the terror in Andy's glazed eyes. Ashley could see the pain and the guilt, the look of despair upon his disturbed features, despite the fact the only light in the room was the lamp in the corner of the room; the one Andy said he loved because it had different color shades... Ashley smiled sadly at the thought and reached out to take his hand in hopes it would comfort him. Elizabeth pulled his hand away quickly, eyes wide.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She hissed under her breath, careful not to startle Andy's troubled state. Ashley looked down.
"I- I don't know. Sorry."
"He'll only panic more if-"
"I know. I.. I'm sorry. I don't know why I thought it'd help. Sorry." Ashley chewed on his lip more, grimacing. Elizabeth sighed heavily and relaxed in her chair a little. She shook her head.

"No... No, it's okay. We're both tired, and exhausted. I understand. Just don't.. try to do that again." She smiled weakly. Ashley nodded and looked at the clock.
"It's 1 in the morning already... Hey, you should go home and sleep... You're still getting over the cold. I only called you in so late to give you some paperwork, I didn't mean for you to stay." He sighed. "I can handle it."
Elizabeth shook her head and pat Ashley's knee. "No way. This kid needs us both here for him. But... I will go get us both some coffee." She stood.
Ashley nodded and looked back at Andy. "I'll be here." He sighed.

Elizabeth nodded and left the room, going down to get coffee for the both of them. Upon returning, Andy  had calmed down. His crying had silenced, and his breathing had slowed. He was still. Sleeping, and no longer violently tossing and turning. She smiled faintly and handed him the cup, sinking back into her seat. Ashley thanked her quietly, sipping the warm drink.
"Elizabeth?" He murmured, glancing at her. "You didn't tell me everything about him, did you."
Elizabeth sighed heavily, rubbing her eyes. "No. No, I didn't. That's because I thought that he was over the majority of it by now, but- I suppose... well. I suppose the boy isn't over anything... I can't say I blame him though. What he went through was truly horrible." She breathed.
Ashley gazed at her, frowning more. "Can you tell me now?"
Elizabeth hesitated slightly, glancing from Andy's still form to Ashley. "His real father died not long after he was born, and his mom remarried before he was a toddler. And his step-father didn't just... throw him around, like I had suggested when I first told you what happened." She said quietly.

She didn't need to say anything more. Ashley's face flamed a deep red with anger. How could someone be so... so cruel? So vile? So downright inhuman to such a fragile person? How? Elizabeth sensed his distress and put a hand on his shoulder, eyes soft and calming.
"Ashley... His step-father is gone, now. Everything is over." She said calmly. "Getting upset over something that happened to him so long ago isn't going to do any of us any good. It'll only make things more difficult."
Ashley set his coffee down and rubbed his temples, leaning forward, elbows resting on his knees. "Yeah.. Yeah, I understand." He mumbled. "I just... I don't understand." He whispered, looking back up at Andy.
Elizabeth did the same, features sad, yet loving as she gazed upon him. "Neither do I, Ashley."

A/N: normally when people update stories on hiatus to tie over the readers, they do it with lil cute fluff fillers and just kinda make the readers all like 'aw thats cute aw' but nope

not me

actually tbh i had nothing in mind when I started writing, I just kinda went there on a limb and tried tying it together

---I also suck at remembering things written in previous chapters so if any of this conflicts with previous chapters, pls don't judge me i'm trying my best <3
And again- the story is NOT off Hiatus. I just wrote this as a lil gift to you guys. I'll try to wrap up the other stories as soon as I can so I can take this one off Hiatus

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