Cerbus: Preview

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I strongly suggest listening to the music on the side as you read this... it REALLY amps it up a lot! Also please remember that since this is probably going to be a Watty Awards entry NEXT year, I will take this down before the deadline and post it after the deadline. This is just a preview for what;s to come next year. Hopefully I will get it done this year and upload the finished chapters once every two weeks AFTER the Watty 2014 deadline. I would love for others to see this though, and since this is all there is for right now it shouldn't be troublesome to read when someone has free time. Thank you all for reading though, and don't forget to check out Insanity!

In a land of so much darkness, it's hard to believe that the small flame of something like love could have started such a bloody revolution. The thunder roared as the mighty Zeus massacred his subjects below, throwing his bolts faster than ever before. The mortals of the earth cried out as blood poured from the skies. This was war, a war that would create worlds.

In the middle of it all was Sere Celest, an angel that fled from the Gods when they took over the heavens and began to speak of revolution with the humans. Her poisonous words infected the mortal minds of earth, and soon they began to revolt against the Gods as well. With Celest leading the revolution, who could stop them?

Zeus, that's who stopped them. the thing is, he was prepared for this. He was prepared to show his power, in fact he yearned to show his power to these powerless mortals. When Celest began this revolution, he erupted. He turned the people against each other, creating a war within Celest's ranks. They killed each other, no massacred each other, and all out of the greed that Zeus had placed within their hearts. 

That wasn't enough though. No, Zeus had to prove that he was the one in control now. With his mighty hands he called forth a storm greater than what any man had ever seen. The seas spit out creatures from their darkest depths, and volcanoes set fire to the world. Animals became bloodthristy, and the number of dead continued to rise to the point where Hades could no longer keep up with it.

That's where we begin. We begin with Hades being gifted a world to himself called Cerbus. Cerbus was paradise for some, but for those that could see past the illusions it was worse than a nightmare. Cerbus was controlled by the Beast called Cerberus. He dictated the land with his fierce creatures known as Cerebin, the black dogs of Hell. 

When the earthly revolution ended, the world was covered in blood. The earth was so ashamed of the color that it decided to make beauty of it. Together with Gaia, they created the first rose from the blood of war. Gaia announced that the blood should be washed away from her friend Earth, and in its place will be roses as a reminder of Zeus' mighty power. Zeus agreed, and commanded Poseidon to cleanse the world of blood and let it rest at the bottom of his oceans. 

The bodies were swept away with the blood, roses being placed in their spots to remind the world that someone died there. From that day on, a rose grew over the palce of death.

Now even though Zeus was proud of his powerful show, he was reminded by Hades that a punishment was to be given to the Angel that started it all. Sere Celest, the Angel of Revolution was beaten by Nemesis until her blood ran off the clouds of Heaven. From her blood the Earth decided to create a mountain in honor of the Angel's bravery, but the Earth was quickly put in her place when the Gods took over that mountain to make a mockery of Celest's honor. They called this mountain Mount Olympus. 

Sere was banished from the Heavens and Earth to Cerbus. Her memories were beaten out of her and her wings were ripped away from her back and fastened to Hermes' sandles for she was the fastest Angel and he decided to make a mockery of that.

Sere Celest now lives within the illusions of Cerbus, unaware of her true power and what she truly was. Her past was cleansed from the minds of the mortals so they could not again revolt against the Gods. Zeus was confident in his power and the fate of Sere Celest. For several years he stood as highest God of the mortal and Godly worlds.

"Once love has broken through the Beast's Heart, the Trapped will be set free," A whisper from the winds haunted all the lands.

Cerbus: PreviewWhere stories live. Discover now